Integrating 3D models with photography
Interested in integrating your 3D work with the real world? This might help
# 1 02-04-2007 , 07:32 AM
mtmckinley's Avatar
The Maya Mountain
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Location: Seattle, WA
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mtmckinley-March/April (MOD)

Well, I'm in the mood to actually make something, so I'm going to see if I can throw something together in my spare time. Here's an old idea that's been rattling around in the brain:

Still have some sketching to go. The idea is it's a steam-golem. Big furnace in its gut with flames coming out the top. Going to have some steam exhause ports and little guages and wires and such. His arms end in large devices that use mysterious crystals as a means of focusing heat into a type of projectile energy beam.

Hopefully I can find the time for this. user added image I'm liking the idea!

# 2 02-04-2007 , 09:12 AM
Posts: n/a
looks like a cool idea manuser added image ...

but... can you even get anything out of a comp(seeing as you made the comp) or is this just a test of yourself? user added image

# 3 02-04-2007 , 10:00 AM
mtmckinley's Avatar
The Maya Mountain
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Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 8,245
nah, I'm inelligible. Just wanting to make something and I like steampunk user added image

# 4 02-04-2007 , 11:41 AM
Posts: n/a
ah... i see. so does that mean that technically i could beat you since our innellegible?

# 5 02-04-2007 , 12:01 PM
jsprogg's Avatar
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acid you can't beat Mike unless you actually enter user added image

Nice concept Mike , you got to test those rusty modeling skills and get your skates on time is ticking ...hehe

# 6 02-04-2007 , 06:28 PM
t1ck135's Avatar
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nice idea of having the steam vents around the head and the leg gears will look cool if you animated them user added image


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# 7 02-04-2007 , 07:44 PM
tweetytunes's Avatar
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love to see what you get done in 10 days as that concept looks great.

# 8 04-04-2007 , 04:27 PM
mtmckinley's Avatar
The Maya Mountain
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Seattle, WA
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and of course, right when I decide I want to do something, my job takes all my spare time :p May not actually get to anything for the comp, but I DO want to make *something*. :p

# 9 04-04-2007 , 08:03 PM
Rhetoric Camel's Avatar
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well when you get the time I'd love to see this beeing built in the WIP forum

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