Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 1 11-08-2003 , 11:38 PM
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August Challenge-Happylemon-Noobie

Hello, this is my first challenge ever, and I need some help!
I wanted to make a "Mad Biologist Lab' inside a giant mushroom, where lots of mad plants grow.

I have two questions: See my tree trunk? How do I make it more detailed without painstakingly move the CVs one by one? (It used to be a smooth mesh but it's just a plain polygon now.) Also, is there any tutorials on how to make basic plant shapes?

Sorry about the watermark, starving student here.

Thanks in advance!

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# 2 12-08-2003 , 12:07 AM
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nice start man. Id say use bump mapping along with a color map for extra little details.

It's Dr. Know, Not Darknow
# 3 12-08-2003 , 12:11 AM
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You might want to make youre mushroom bigger as well, depending on how many mad plants you want.

# 4 12-08-2003 , 01:52 AM
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Great idea!

You could try mapping a real tree texture onto your trunk; I have been using some photo textures painted over / altered a bit from the standard in photoshop, placed onto a UV map and it's working out ok mixed with textures painted form scratch. Othewise you could extrude some faces to give you some texture or apply a tree like bump map to your shader as Dr Know suggests.

Don't know of any plant tutorials, last time I made a plant I just duplicated a basic leaf shape I created from a plane.

There is a tutorial on making trees in paintfx here;

and that may be of interest if you want to add foliage without lots of geometry.

# 5 13-08-2003 , 08:09 AM
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My second update. I am trying to figure out what object could I put in the lab to bring in a sense of scale? I intended the tree trunk to be a table so the mushroom stem is about the human heights.

Any opinion on the provisional lighting?

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# 6 15-08-2003 , 07:54 AM
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I need help with two questions. I am posting two pictures; the first one has no raytracing, and some objects are able to glow, the second one (in the next message) has raytracing which make my glass appear, but no glow. Are raytraced glass and glowing effect mutually exclusive?

Also, how do we put liquid into my glass container? For each container I have two layers of glass, I tried putting a ramp on the inner layer of glass but it didn't quite work out.

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# 7 15-08-2003 , 07:55 AM
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The second image with raytracing.

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# 8 15-08-2003 , 11:15 AM
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Sorry, not sure about the first question but the way I add liquid to my containers is to just use a solid polygon object. The glass is transparent so the liquid shows through. Just use revolve to make the liquid. It works but I'm sure there are much better ways to do it.

Your scene is looking good, I like the reflection on the glass. Are you going to put more organic creepy mad scientist tools in there? user added image

# 9 15-08-2003 , 12:05 PM
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I like the second one. It looks like it is glowing to me but I am not sure that glowing and reflecting is exclusive, I thought they could appear together.

I really love that plant in the middle, that's great.

In terms of scale how about some tools or other handheld equipment? They tend to show how big a person is who might use them.

# 10 18-08-2003 , 11:59 AM
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man, i love your scene .... donĀ“t know why, it has something unique

# 11 18-08-2003 , 05:46 PM
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Thank man, I'm just a noobie startingout, still got loads to learn. At least it's fun. I wish I could spell thank you in German....

# 12 18-08-2003 , 06:11 PM
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danke user added image

# 13 18-08-2003 , 06:24 PM
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Hey, that's looking really good! Call me impressed. user added image

As for the glow, I hadn't noticed that before. If I were to guess, I would imagine that because raytracing calculates lights and how they affect surfaces, it's not registering the light hitting the glowing interior surfaces.

I think what I would do is render the glowing object with "Hide Source" checked seperately and then composite that result over your final rendered image.

# 14 19-08-2003 , 03:37 AM
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D-A-N-K-E. Check. (Is that the German way to spell?)

Hmmmm....I'll have to pay attetion to teh "High Source" thing
next time, thanks! And there is always Photoshop! Oh, are we allow to composite it with photoshop?

I am currently distracted by the new Harry Potter book, but I'll finish the book tonight and get back to more madness of my vegetation....

# 15 21-08-2003 , 05:36 AM
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Here's an update, I finally figured out how to solve my paint efffect problem.

I think I got the "lab" part and the "mad" part, but the "science" part is a little weak. Any suggestion on what should be added to make it more scientific?

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