Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 1 10-06-2004 , 01:18 AM
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June - Noob - owmyi

Hi everyone. I'll be attempting to do a Giant Squid, or a Kraken. Not until after I had my heart set on doing a giant squid did I realize Frayo is already doing it, but he's in Norm so I guess it will be ok.
Anyways I've never used Sub-Ds and I'd really like to learn them so I'll be using them and see how it goes (hoping for a nice smooth squid). I did a quick concept sketch last night to kind of outline what I want him to look like. Myths have him being over a mile in length AND having horns. The picture may have too many horns on it. What do you guys think?

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# 2 10-06-2004 , 02:05 AM
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the more horns the better : )

# 3 10-06-2004 , 02:06 AM
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oh and you should only have to build one of the legs..which is nice...i would suggest extrude face along a curve..then tapering the end

# 4 10-06-2004 , 02:38 AM
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Thanks rubberkidney. The more I look at the pic the more I think he may not need *quite* as many horns (and the fact that they are a pain to model ). Somewhere from 2-3 rows should be enough. Also, I had forgoetten about those aerodynamic fins that squids have on the sides. I'll see if I can fit those in somewhere, too.

Right now I'm started working on the top head portion and it's going pretty smoothly. Sub-Ds just seem to be like super polygons thanks to the fact that I can swith back to polygon mode at anytime I want. Only trouble I've had is that I can't figure out how to 'un-refine' an area on the sub-d once I've refined it. Seems a waste to have a lot of accidental detail on the flat side of his head user added image

# 5 10-06-2004 , 07:19 AM
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Quick update. Just finished the head portion. Now it's onto the lower head/eyes/tentacles part. Any thoughts?

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# 6 10-06-2004 , 08:55 AM
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its looking pretty nice, i would like to see less symmetry with the horns though : ) pretty clean stuff though...cant wait to see the body

# 7 10-06-2004 , 07:58 PM
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Alright here's what I've got for the body. The tentacles look kinda lame, but once they're rigged it'll be a lot cooler. Also I didnt model the suction cup things on each tentacle because I figured I could get pretty decent results just using a bump map/texture (not to mention how long it would take to model all those.)

Anyways.. Here's the pic while I move on to texturing.

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# 8 11-06-2004 , 09:44 AM
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cooool! user added image I like it user added image

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# 9 12-06-2004 , 09:33 AM
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Here's what I have for the texturing so far. It's also my first attempt at Bump mapping, which I think came out pretty good *self-applaud*

What do you guys think? Any ideas?

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# 10 12-06-2004 , 09:36 AM
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Love the texture and the bump mapping, good job.

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# 11 12-06-2004 , 04:02 PM
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# 12 12-06-2004 , 08:27 PM
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Thanks guys. Up next I'm gonna try and model something like a cruise liner. Then in the final comp I can have the squid sinking it user added image

# 13 12-06-2004 , 09:54 PM
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Is the cruise liner going to look anything like your sketch? user added image

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# 14 12-06-2004 , 11:49 PM
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No. I want the cruise liner to be pretty big, like a Carnival Cruise ship, just to give you the overall feeling that the squid is huge. I'll post a sketch of what I want it to look like in a bit.

# 15 13-06-2004 , 01:09 PM
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Ok here is my go at the Boat. I kinda ditched the cruise liner idea because finding good side/front views was being hard. Anyways I still think it will look really cool with this boat and some tweaking. The pic is the polygon and the Sub-D model. Which do you like more? I'm kinda leaning towards the Sub-D. Seems to have more character and a better connection with the look of the squid.

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