Original concept idea is 2 people in a lightning storm (for some high contrast lighting). One is frozen and huddling in fear near a tree (crazy place to be!) and the other is having a go at the storm, or is even laughing in the face of it.
Went on to look at one of the fists of the annoyed dude in more detail and while messing with lighting thought that the annoyed dude could be a robot, maybe now protecting him and loathing the storm for debilitating his (master? friend?).
Also the robot dude must be hard as he runs the risk of being short circuited by the lightning so really like a soldier who has seen lots of battles he has scorn and hatred for the storm and what it can do.
defensive pose?
view from behind?
trying a different angle for the scene
Dont think I'll be good enough to model the figures well but I'll give it a try over the next few weeks