Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 1 05-02-2004 , 12:15 PM
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Cg car enviorment

hey guys..I am juggling 3 projects at once lol. but, here is one of them. I am trying to get some realistic outdoor scenes for car animations. I am going to do a scene like the highway on the Matrix,. These textures are temporary, as they are to dark, and they tile.... let me know what ya think. THanks!!

Btw the explore is not finnished..just a stand in.

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Last edited by brian_ellebracht; 06-02-2004 at 06:50 PM.
# 2 05-02-2004 , 12:16 PM
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here is a better shot of the highway...

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Last edited by brian_ellebracht; 06-02-2004 at 06:51 PM.
# 3 05-02-2004 , 02:46 PM
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Great start. It looks like 4:30 pm, just before a rain user added image You rock by the way!

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# 4 05-02-2004 , 03:38 PM
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Hey Brian, I really interested in finding out what settings you have MR set at. Even though you have a test render above all your scenes have a very soft feel to them and I really like it. If you don't mind sharing that with us. lighting, global settings environment etc.

Are all the vehicles in the animation going to be CG or mix of both so you can matchmove?

# 5 05-02-2004 , 04:02 PM
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it's looking nice brian. I would comment that the reflections in the main widscreen need to be fixed though. It seems to be very matted at the moment. Do you have an environment ball or anything that you can use to do the reflections with?


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# 6 05-02-2004 , 07:08 PM
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Great Stuff!!!,...
only one thing, the Highway wall,... it looks too straight to be real, add some cracks or give it some roughness,.. if you know what i mean.. user added image..

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# 7 06-02-2004 , 12:17 AM
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Looks really good. It should pass on its own as real. But sitting hear looking at it for long I do get that cg feel just a little. I couldn't figer out what it was though. But I'm going to go with what LSphinx said as maybe the cg feel.
way cool textures BTW..
you rock man.

# 8 06-02-2004 , 12:54 AM
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terrible brian, absolutly **** now i have your attention, get yourself either a msn or icq number and contact me user added image

# 9 06-02-2004 , 08:12 AM
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Looks great as usual Brian. But let's make any future images 640x480. mkay? user added image

Dave Baer
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# 10 06-02-2004 , 04:50 PM
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640X480? Sure...I did set the quality down to 2 when I exported out of PS. oh well. Thanks for your replies...Yeah, this needs alot of work, right now, it was just a lighting test..I am going to be doing some work on the walls and stuff..right now there is no detail anywhere, everything is just cubes..I need to add alot more detail to the retaining walls, and the median.. I am also going to get some new textures for the median and a couple other things, I am going to ad some over passes and stuff as well, I was going to use this shot for my cars be be animated in. Hey kev, I am back in st. Louis right now visiting family. But when I get back to Detroit, I will do that. right now, you can also contact me through aol im, my screen name is dgtldejavu.
(I think). Thanks again guys, the new version of this that I will continue to work on when I get back to Det. should be alot better.


Roach, I will give you the MR settings when I get back to..It a pretty simple set up
I agree about the walls, needing more detail and stuff.. most of this is going to have alot of motion blur to becase Cars are going to be driving by.. Take a look at the median...its just a box, lol, no detail at all, yet anyways.

Are all the vehicles in the animation going to be CG or mix of both so you can matchmove? Probably this will all be CG, but I am still going to do alot of matchmoving stuff. Seperate from this project.

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# 11 06-02-2004 , 06:16 PM
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Those are set to 2?! No friggin way? How do they look so crisp then? Jeez. What version of Photoshop you using? Version 12,000? user added image

Looking good as usual. Can't wait to see updates. user added image

Dave Baer
Professor of Digital Arts
Digital Media Arts College
Boca Raton, Florida
# 12 06-02-2004 , 06:41 PM
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actually, the Exp. is on a setting of 4 or 5, and the other is actually higher, sorry. I think it was 7 or 8. Next time I will make sure the size is smaller,

actaully, version 12,000.01 (with the new available beta patch) loluser added image

hey...I made the images smaller user added image sorry they were so big...I wasn't payin was 4 in the morning, I was up all night b4 lol so I just posted what I had

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Last edited by brian_ellebracht; 06-02-2004 at 06:53 PM.
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