This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
I am trying to have a ball follow a motion path (which I have set and working). However, I would also like the ball to rotate on its Z axis as it moves along the motion path. I am having trouble figuring out what node(s) is/are needed to get the values along the motion path to be used to help calculate how the qucikly the ball should rotate. Basically I hope to have the ball speed up on different areas of the curves to similuate a gravity effect. *Note not allowed to use any dynamics or particles in the project.* Thank you for your time.
Well if you are using Maya 5 you can actually have the ball along the surface speed up and slow down depending on where you have placed te CV for the path. In regards to spinning you can probably create a simple expression on the rotate z channel
Here is a playblast of what I did. Is this what you are looking for?
what I did is grouped the Sphere to itself and applyied that group to the motion bath with parametric length turned on. This will tell Maya to actually look at the points on the curve to speed up and slowdown. After I went to the sphere itself and applied the expression on rotate z. Basic expression telling the sphere to turn 360 degrees.