Introduction to Maya - Rendering in Arnold
This course will look at the fundamentals of rendering in Arnold. We'll go through the different light types available, cameras, shaders, Arnold's render settings and finally how to split an image into render passes (AOV's), before we then reassemble it i
# 1 01-03-2004 , 12:15 PM
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Mental Block

I have an unsual problem when it comes to modeling... I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this or not, but here goes: I model primarily using polygons, I can model objects, architechture and that sort of thing, but everytime i try to model a bipedal character I can't seem to "see" how to do it. I use reference images, rough out the shapes using cylinders for the chest, arms, and legs, and after that I just crap out and can't see the shapes that it needs. I know this is just a mental block, but i can't seem to shake it. Any advice?

# 2 01-03-2004 , 12:26 PM
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Get some anatomy pictures and study the muscle definition. Side/Front refs are good for the basic shape but you'll need additional images of body parts if you're for more detail.

# 3 01-03-2004 , 12:52 PM
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dude I'm the same, but then some people just arent good at organic stuff. I much prefer hard surface modelling than doing squishy stuff!


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# 4 01-03-2004 , 01:28 PM
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That makes 3 of us...

I've been buying models from Toy-R-Us, I sit with the model and think I've got it all figured out, fire up Maya... then nothing... I cannot get it right.

It's very bloody frustrating because I WANT to be able to do it.

That'll do donkey... that'll do...
# 5 01-03-2004 , 04:35 PM
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I get that too, one can see what one wants but how to manifest it is another question user added image

# 6 01-03-2004 , 04:54 PM
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keep trying and dont be afraid to start over. It normally takes me 2/3 attempts to get the rough shape started. But I normally get there in the end. Look at my current WIP. That took 3 attempts to get there and I was going to give up before I started the last one user added image

Keep tryin'

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# 7 01-03-2004 , 10:19 PM
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Well It's good to know that i'm not the only one with this problem! ^_^ I hope you all will soon tackle it, as I will continue to try. Thanks...

# 8 02-03-2004 , 04:18 AM
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Its possible that your being to hard on your self. When you model something organic and it doesn’t look great, often people will stop there. I mean we all know what a Human, horse, or cat looks like. Organic shapes do vary some but not as much as in-organic. From human to human there noses still have a basic shape. But take a couch for instance. There are so many variations. Or a table. That makes it much easier to relax and experiment, to learn.

I think it takes giving your self enough rope to fail and learn. Don't be very critical of your first organic stuff. Explore it.

# 9 02-03-2004 , 03:07 PM
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I like to start with a sub to get the proportion, and then convert to add details. I do suck, but this works for me at this point user added image

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# 10 03-03-2004 , 03:39 AM
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It helps just to know how the major forms of the body play off one another. If it helps model a simple character (maybe sorta cartoony) at first and then just build up from there. For me getting started is always the hardest part but once I am out of the gate I am in turbo mode :-)

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