you are almost there - instead of just duplicating 2 faces duplicate a whole block. then just select all the bottom verts and move them along one axis down and snap them to the grid somethere. only problem with that is that the stair is single steps - if you need or want it one thing then combine it and merge the verts. i would not worry about all those extra unnessesary faces inside which you never see (unless you make transparent stairs). yes of course it creates a longer render time. depends on what is more important - that you spend endless time cleaning up the stairs or to just get a cup of coffee while rendering. if you are going for a still and you dont plan to give the model to somebody else why improve the model in invisible areasOriginally posted by tiz
The best method i could come up with is to first create 2 faces for 1 step. And then duplicate them with a translation. This way every step is the same. Only thing is that everything beneath the stairs is not there yet. How do you guys make stairs?