Can Maya use more than 1gb of RAM?
I was working on a project in Maya that had a lot of very dense NURBS surfaces that I had imported from an IGES file. For some reason, when I try to duplicate the model many times (think of a mechanical octopus with lots of details), Maya gives me memory allocation errors and either:
1.) Won't duplicate the model any further
2.) Won't render anything because of memory errors
3.) Crashes outright
I noticed, after much much testing and retesting, that it seems that Maya refused to use more than 1gb of RAM. I have 1.5gb of DDR RAM, but Maya would always get up to 1gb (almost exactly) and then would start giving error messages. I could see in Task Manager though that there was still 500mb of unused RAM.
I know I'm not the only one with this problem, but I have yet to see anyone come up with a solution. Has anyone found a fix that I have yet to come across? Thanks in advance.