But hearing about your leaving is a kind of virtual death - not yours but of this community - As one of the main names I have been seeing here is gone . I am not a full time Maya person and I do not surf the forums daily but I still feel I quite belong in here.
And of course living 5 years in a place near you (ahh what are 7 thousands Kilometers ?) kind of makes me 'close'.
Espero que tengas mucho exito en todo lo que hagas en tu vida profesional y en diseno grafico.
Yo se que vives en un lugar que esta pasando momentos no faciles (para no decir dificiles...) en lo economico pero - ya que eres una persona talentosa - estoy segurisimo que te va a ir muy bien.
EDIT: Just noticed I am 2 months late - anyway - still feel the (same)
Un abrazo
Nir Sullam