Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 2
This course will look in the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. It's aimed at people that have some modeling experience in Maya but are having trouble with complex objects.
# 31 06-06-2004 , 04:54 PM
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Cheers guys,

yeah Mantat have already changed them user added image will post a newer render later. Thanks again


# 32 06-06-2004 , 10:58 PM
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here's a hand user added image

comments/crits welcome

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# 33 06-06-2004 , 11:25 PM
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Here's the body as a whole - still got quite a bit of muscular detail to add and maybe play with proportions a bit, but it seems ok to me.

Comments/crits welcome

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# 34 06-06-2004 , 11:28 PM
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very very awesome

# 35 07-06-2004 , 12:10 AM
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Posts: 233
What about giving him bigger/thicker fingers? These ones seem a bit too delicate for such a creature.

I wouldnt go with claws since the mino is a cross breed between a human/bull and none of them has claws... Of course, this is just my IMHO.

And are you planning to give him a tail / mane?

Other than that, its really coming nicely, keep working!

# 36 07-06-2004 , 02:54 AM
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Well this is he final body shape (for now anyway)

Mantat - made the fingers a bit thicker, reduced the size of the finger nails a bit. I won't be making a tail, just looking at the references I had there were none with a tail attached. Cheers for the points tho!!

Now need to create a few items of clothing and a big axe/mace or two user added image

Want to give myself as much time as possible on the texturing cause I REALLY suck at that side of things - going to try and get away from my usual procedural method and map everthing out then use photoshop to create some textures.

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# 37 07-06-2004 , 02:59 AM
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This is coming along really nicely, but I think you still have to work on the abs a little more. user added image

# 38 07-06-2004 , 03:21 AM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 233
I like the hands much more now.

Everything is fine except for the abs, as 3Demon said. A little bit more work on this section would really pay of. Or maybe you plan to have them covered by an armor?

Great work, keep it going

# 39 07-06-2004 , 03:43 AM
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The Maya Mountain
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Looking very nice! Have to concur regarding the abs. I'd make them less defined and more soft like the rest of the model. Heck, maybe give him a gut! user added image

# 40 07-06-2004 , 08:09 AM
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Coming leaps and bounds with every post!

I think Mike is right about the stomach, he should have a beer belly not a six pack. It'll give the character more character (if you know what I mean).

Mark user added image

# 41 07-06-2004 , 12:25 PM
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wow nicely done man! like it very much! nice idea too! keep it rollin'

# 42 07-06-2004 , 01:11 PM
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Realy good dude!

# 43 07-06-2004 , 05:06 PM
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3demon, mantat, mike, mark - cheers for the comments - I am seeing some sort of trend user added image you think I should change the abs user added image

I have softened them a bit, I am not sure about going for a beer gut, I know the muscular althletic shape is very common but as I mentioned earlier I want to really concentrate on the texturing in this comp. I may, if I procede faster than I expect, change the shape later to a more rotund shape - a bit like my ever increasing gut user added image

ransick, doc - cheers guys - lets hope I can keep it rollin!!

here's the latest model with softened abs.

Thanks again

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# 44 07-06-2004 , 06:09 PM
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The Maya Mountain
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Looks good. user added image Start armoring him up now. user added image

# 45 07-06-2004 , 08:54 PM
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looking really nice. keep up the good work
maybe add some more cuts on the arem to try to match with rest of the body.

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