It was early this morning when bleary-eyed , I switched on IRC and fixed my morning coffee. kbrown buzzed me and asked the question that started it all: Wanna check out a blues track I made the other day?
I liked it and asked him to send me the backing track so I did my own take on it which he liked. Before long, I was adding vocals (reaching deep into the southern rock roots...hehe) and Mr. Brown added new solos, comping together the whole thing like a musical Frankenstein. It turned out halfway decent for a quickly done project....something we had talked about doing for awhile now. Throughout it, we figured how to do things right for next time. But for now, hope you guys enjoy a couple of your friendly, neighborhood SM mods getting down with the blues:
Here's the rundown on who's doing what:
KB programmed the rhythm track (drums, bass, piano) and played rhythm gtr throughout...that's his solo gtr intro)
I'm doing all the singing, verse licks, slide and wah wah gtr work.
Verse 1
Solo 1 12-bars (me)
Verse 2
Solo 2 24 bars (kb)
Verse 3
solo 3 12bars (me...wahwah pedal fun)
solo 4 12bars (kb...whammy bar)
solo 5 ending (both of us)
Anyway, Hope you guys enjoy it. And yes, we know there were gtr tuning issues during some of it.