Introduction to Maya - Rendering in Arnold
This course will look at the fundamentals of rendering in Arnold. We'll go through the different light types available, cameras, shaders, Arnold's render settings and finally how to split an image into render passes (AOV's), before we then reassemble it i
# 1 20-06-2004 , 02:23 AM
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Manchester UK
Posts: 159

how are "spooky" scenes set?

Yes, Basically I want to make a " Spooky" ISH scene, and the only thing I know about lights - Is to use a blue colour.
I wil show you what i have so far, but may not stay same - Also - how do you get a 'night sky' in the bacckground with say the 'moon' made from a light in front?

Ta very Much Scraggy

heres what I have so far, not much .....user added image

Phew! nearly sent a BIG piccy user added image sorry about your space
I'm trying my best.

see below

Last edited by Scraggy_dog; 20-06-2004 at 02:39 PM.
# 2 20-06-2004 , 02:32 AM
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Here ya go.....

(made it small to compensate)

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# 3 20-06-2004 , 04:58 AM
IAmThaGuvNa's Avatar
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pretty neat... i would say the ground needs work... too smooth you need to texture it...

# 4 20-06-2004 , 05:36 AM
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# 5 20-06-2004 , 03:09 PM
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Thanks for the reply, maybe you could not see the texture map as it's meant to be a 'Night' scene. Heres a pic.
As for the ground, hmmm - Don't graveyards need to be flat? I have never seen one on bumpy land.
All the ones I have visited round here taking photo's are? (Apart from 1 that slopes)
But no worry's the ground is a poly plane so can be sculpted as required - I can easily make a few bumps and dips here and there.
[I think maybe the scene will look different once some more trees and headstones are added ]
Thanks for the tip about Terragen, I used to use it about 3 years ago (when I did maps for Tribes 2 and Unreal ) and had a look recently when I got a trial on a magazine CD - The program has improved a lot, but like I said before - I didn't want it 'too bumpy' so just used a simple poly plane.
I am currently modelling some tombstones and trees, and attempting a 'stone wall' - But while I wait to do the models I thought I would play around with the lights - so the textures you see here will not neccesarrily stay (Those gateposts are definitely not staying!) the tops look rubbish.

Regards - heres same scene lit with white light. Scraggy

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# 6 25-06-2004 , 01:46 AM
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Sorry :(

Hi and sorry to "IAmThaGuvNa" - You were right and I was wrong.
I think maybe the real scene should be somewhere between yours and mine. (Terrain pic's)
I regret doing the "Fence/Railings" as straight as I did, but at the time I assumed I was doing it right.
As for the ground, I played around a bit with it, and I reckon it looks better but not 'Good'

Now it's time to get the "Background scene" looking 3D.

I looked through the "Help" in Maya and "Web" but didn't turn much up on creating a 'Sky'.
I tried playing around with "Env Sky" then got totally lost and did an 'Image Plane' and fitted with a texture, so at least I had done something.

Hmmmm - Surely Maya has a better way of creating sky scenes than just a plane?
I did games once and used to use "box" sky's
I saw in a dropdown along with "sphere" etc, Hmm maybe someone can P.M. me in the right direction?

Yours Hopefully Scraggy

Thanks to Mayang

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# 7 05-07-2004 , 01:59 PM
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Maybe you could add some fog, also shadows contribute the the "spooky" feeling your refering too...

Good luck.

# 8 05-07-2004 , 02:31 PM
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Thanks for reply, but what I really need is a "Candle flame" for the table - then alpply some 'fog' .- I have looked on the net and posted a question or two in the Forums - but so far no-one has replied... (To be honest I was hoping you had the answer user added image
I have searched the net and think???? that it could be done by making a Nurbs flame shape (Maybe deform a sphere?) then assign a shader to it. But - I have not had much success myself with the shader.

Any suggestions about the candle and flame would be appreciated.
It's stuck in 'limbo' till I work out the flame, although I have done some 'tweaks' to the lighting etc and looks bettter now IMHO.
The image is hard to see on a 'white background and at such a low resolution - I will P.M. you with the site the latest one is on, see what you think....

Thanks Scraggy

# 9 05-07-2004 , 04:05 PM
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if you have a digital camera then get a black piece of card and film a real candle flame. It will be better than anything you can do in CG.


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# 10 05-07-2004 , 06:28 PM
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Thanks again Alan, I do have one but it's not a very good one (no manual focus or zoom) - But maybe I can 'find' a nice piccy from somewhere - Then you mean use it as a texture on a Nurbs shaped "flame" ? Sounds like the best plan yet user added image


# 11 06-07-2004 , 10:46 AM
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Last edited by jam_ed; 06-07-2004 at 10:49 AM.
# 12 08-07-2004 , 01:22 AM
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for spooky scenes i like to use wider lenses and longer shadows....

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