Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 1 02-08-2004 , 09:22 PM
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Posts: 2

Sub-D binding

I'm just now learning how to use Sub-D's. I was wondering what you do once you're done modeling. Do you convert it back to pollygons? 'Cuase I tried that and ended up with a really high res piece. Or do you bind the sub-D's directly to the skeleton somehow?
Someone told me Sub-D's automatically make a low res dummy piece you're sopposed to use to bind. Is that true? What if i accidently deleted that piece?

I'd really appreciate any good free tutorials anyone knows about using Sub-D. I've read the maya help files and experimented with them on my own but that's about it so far.
Does anyone know of any good books that would teach about sub-D modeling?

# 2 02-08-2004 , 09:48 PM
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to go back to the original poly, go to
convert > subD to Poly > option box
there select tesselation method = vertices
and set level 0; and share uvs...

so there ull come back to the original poly figure..

i dont know any books, just using tutorials from webs... i don't use too much subD becouse im trying to get expiernced first at poly and nurbs user added image

# 3 02-08-2004 , 10:42 PM
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Thanx for answering!
hmmmm, when I do that, it loses the some of the detail I added in Sub-D's and it comes out looking ugly. Are sub-d's are just sopposed to be binded directly and not converted to anything else first? I'm confused...
Also, is there a way to completely remove levels of details, even after they've been altered if I decide I don't need them?

# 4 03-08-2004 , 04:02 AM
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i always heard that subd is a smooth proxy, it means u can edit it in poly mode but at the same time see the smoothed version, and i guess its supposed to look ugly im poly user added image, try to smooth them later, and see if its like in the subd way... i never really used subd, just a little to undestand a bit...

ehm, i guess the undo key will help; theres a way of previewlization, or better sauid, smooth lvl or somehitng like this, the 1,2,3 keys; and if u go to subd attributes, u could select ur 0 level key, im not sure if that answers ur question, but maybe it helps a bit.

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