Hi im new to Maya im a Lightwaver, but im here to expand my knowledge of 3D and I got some questions. ( sorry if it seems im coming off rude my meaning is sincier.)
1. I have lightwave now if I add maya will the two mix and slow down my comp or do they flow well? ( I don't know much about comps im a hill billy. )
2. A friend of mine can get me maya 4 for free is it worth it or should I just deload the demo?
3. Is there a good demo transition for converters ( like myself

4. I have been told maya's modler doesn't even compare to lightwaves ( from what ive seen it looks like a kids toy but amazing things keep poping out of it.) is it that different or is it similar, or can I customise it to work like lightwaves (that would be asking alot)
5. If I come up with anymore idea's Ill come back ( that's of course you don't ban me

Thank you for your time a patience.