Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 1 04-12-2011 , 06:47 PM
Jouri's Avatar
Lone Wolf Productions
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Belgium, Antwerp
Posts: 18

BETA testers wanted for : Distributing scripts.


Let me introduce myself first, My name is Jouri and I enjoy programming, new challenges and to improve things.

So that been said, I recently picked up MEL programming and started reading about it, what inspired me was that everything we do in Maya is a mel command.

So I started to snoop around, browsing the web i discoverd some things that inspired me to do the next project.

1. Many people had problems installing scripts
2. Many people that actualy wanted to script had problems creating UI's.

So my next idea was born.

1. Create a way for easy instalment of scripts
2. Create a way to make UI building more fun and easy.

Actualy the second idea was my first idea, but ran into conflict without haven a solution for idea one due to the size of it. So idea one became two and vice versa.

anyhow getting to the point,
The script below i created as result to overcome problem one. Now it runs perfect on my machine, but as wel all know we all run different things, like version, operating system, etc...

This is where i need your help. Testing the script below. I don't ask to debug it for me as it runs without problem. Ok the code is stll very raw and can be optimized, but that's for when i know different systems can handle it.

Now if you want to help me please take the following precautions. I will not held responsible if you don't do this!!!
1. Backup your maya folder located in your document folder (the one where all your created and modified files are)
2. Save whatever your doing before running it (just in case a fatal crash comes up due to version incompability
3. Please do not start fiddling with the code if you are very unaware what it doing what
4. Please report your expieriance back here

Now what will this script do for you.
1. Create a shelf with button to acces the scripts
2. Create the scripts
3. Create a script path in your maya.env file so later on the scripts are easy accessed (next project needs this)

what will be on the shelf?
1. 4 simple test scripts just to confirm the files where writen correctly (button 1-4)
2. An system analysis that you can use to report back to me so i know what systems are having problems (button 5)
3. An uninstall script to remove everything this script has installed.

Don't forget this is a BETA test. The scripts are actualy useless and don't do anything specific for you.

Please dont forget to give me feedback.

Thank you,

NOTE : I know the code looks strange. do not change anything or the install will fail 100%, and be sure to copy it all!!!
I also attached the script as a document for people that prefer it that way.

///                                                                                              ///
///               -= LoneWolf Productions =-                          __.....__                  ///
///               --------------------------                       .-'         '-.               ///
///                                                              .'               '.             ///
///                                                             /                   \            ///
///                       File Decoder                         /        |\           \           ///
///                  For Distributing files                   ;        |V \_          ;          ///
///                                                           |        |  ' \         ;          ///
///                        Autodesk                           ;        )   ,_\        |          ///
///                          Maya                             ;       /    |          ;          ///
///                          2012                              \     /      \        /           ///
///                         Script                              \    |       \      /            ///
///                                                              '.   \       \   .'             ///
///                                                                '-._|       \-'               ///
///         Created By : Caers Jouri aka Lone Wolf                     | |\     |                ///
///                     CopyRight 2011                         __lwp___/ |_'.   /______          ///
///                                                                                              ///
///                     © 2011 Lone Wolf Productions.  All rights reserved.                      ///

////////////////////////////////////////////////// Program Data //////////////////////////////////////////////////
global string $LoneWolfProductions_Data[];

proc fileDecoderDecodeEncodedFile()
	global string $LoneWolfProductions_Data[];
	int $fileDecoderCreateDecodedLineGetAsciiValue;
	$fileDecoderDataLines = -1;
	$fileDecoderNumberOfFilesDone = 0;

	$fileDecoderLoneWolfProductionsDirectory = `internalVar -userScriptDir`;
	$fileDecoderLoneWolfProductionsDirectory = $fileDecoderLoneWolfProductionsDirectory + "LoneWolfProductions";
	$fileDecoderLoneWolfProductionsDirectoryExsist = `filetest -d $fileDecoderLoneWolfProductionsDirectory`;

	if($fileDecoderLoneWolfProductionsDirectoryExsist != true)
		sysFile -makeDir $fileDecoderLoneWolfProductionsDirectory;

	$fileDecoderMayaEnvFile = `about -environmentFile`;
	$fileDecoderMayaEnvFile = dirname($fileDecoderMayaEnvFile);
	$fileDecoderMayaEnvFile = $fileDecoderMayaEnvFile + "/" +"maya.env";
	$fileDecoderMayaEnvFileExsist = `filetest -s $fileDecoderMayaEnvFile`;

	if($fileDecoderMayaEnvFileExsist != true)
		$fileDecoderCreateNewMayaEnvFile = `fopen $fileDecoderMayaEnvFile "w"`;
		fclose $fileDecoderCreateNewMayaEnvFile;

	$fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFile = `fopen $fileDecoderMayaEnvFile "r"`;
	$fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileLine = `fgetline $fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFile`;
	string $fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBuffer[];
	$fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBufferCounter = 0;

	while ( size( $fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileLine ) > 0 )
		$fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBuffer[$fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBufferCounter] = $fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileLine;
		$fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileLine = `fgetline $fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFile`;

	fclose $fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFile;
	$fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileLineExsist = false;
	$fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBufferCounter = 0;

	for ($fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBufferLine in $fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBuffer)

		if($fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileLineExsist == false)

			if("MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH" == `match "MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH" $fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBufferLine`)

				if("LoneWolfProductions" == `match "LoneWolfProductions" $fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBufferLine`)
					$fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileLineExsist = true;
					$fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBuffer[$fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBufferCounter] = `substring $fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBuffer[$fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBufferCounter] 1 (size($fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBuffer[$fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBufferCounter])-1)`;
					$fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBufferLineSize = `size($fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBufferLine)`;

					if(`substring $fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBufferLine $fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBufferLineSize $fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBufferLineSize` == ";")
						$fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBuffer[$fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBufferCounter] = $fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBuffer[$fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBufferCounter] + $fileDecoderLoneWolfProductionsDirectory + ";\n\r";
						$fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileLineExsist = true;
						$fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBuffer[$fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBufferCounter] = $fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBuffer[$fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBufferCounter] + ";" + $fileDecoderLoneWolfProductionsDirectory + ";\n\r";
						$fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileLineExsist = true;				

	if($fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileLineExsist == false)
		$fileDecoderRecreateMayaEnvFile = `fopen $fileDecoderMayaEnvFile "w"`;
		$fileDecoderRecreateMayaEnvFileBufferCounter = 0;

		for ($fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBufferLine in $fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBuffer)
			fprint $fileDecoderRecreateMayaEnvFile $fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBuffer[$fileDecoderRecreateMayaEnvFileBufferCounter];

		$fileDecoderAddMayaEnvScriptLine = "MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH = " + $fileDecoderLoneWolfProductionsDirectory +";";
		fprint $fileDecoderRecreateMayaEnvFile $fileDecoderAddMayaEnvScriptLine;
		fclose $fileDecoderRecreateMayaEnvFile;
		$fileDecoderRecreateMayaEnvFile = `fopen $fileDecoderMayaEnvFile "w"`;
		$fileDecoderRecreateMayaEnvFileBufferCounter = 0;

		for ($fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBufferLine in $fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBuffer)
			fprint $fileDecoderRecreateMayaEnvFile $fileDecoderCheckMayaEnvFileBuffer[$fileDecoderRecreateMayaEnvFileBufferCounter];

		fclose $fileDecoderRecreateMayaEnvFile;

		-progress 0

		-progress 0

	for ($fileDecoderDataString in $LoneWolfProductions_Data)

		-max $fileDecoderDataLines

	$fileDecoderNumberOfFiles = 0;
	$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = "";
	$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = `python("import binascii;binascii.unhexlify(''.join('"+$LoneWolfProductions_Data[0]+"'.split()))")`;
	$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = substituteAllString($fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine, "xÈx", "\n");
	$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = substituteAllString($fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine, "xÉx", "\"");
	$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = substituteAllString($fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine, "xÊx", "\t");
	$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = substituteAllString($fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine, "xËx", "\r");
	$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = substituteAllString($fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine, "xÌx", "\\");
	$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = substituteAllString($fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine, "xÍx", "_");
	$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = substituteAllString($fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine, "xÎx", "'");
	$fileDecoderNumberOfFiles = $fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine;

		-label ("Progress :")

		-max $fileDecoderNumberOfFiles

	$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = "";
	$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = `python("import binascii;binascii.unhexlify(''.join('"+$LoneWolfProductions_Data[1]+"'.split()))")`;
	$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = substituteAllString($fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine, "xÈx", "\n");
	$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = substituteAllString($fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine, "xÉx", "\"");
	$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = substituteAllString($fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine, "xÊx", "\t");
	$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = substituteAllString($fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine, "xËx", "\r");
	$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = substituteAllString($fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine, "xÌx", "\\");
	$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = substituteAllString($fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine, "xÍx", "_");
	$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = substituteAllString($fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine, "xÎx", "'");	

	$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLineSize =  `size($fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine)`;
	$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = `substring $fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine 12 $fileDecoderCreateDecodedLineSize`;
	$fileDecoderCurrentFileName = $fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine;
	$fileDecoderCreateNewFile = `fopen ($fileDecoderLoneWolfProductionsDirectory + "/"+ $fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine) "w"`;
	$fileDecoderDataLinecounter = 2;

	while ( $fileDecoderDataLinecounter <= $fileDecoderDataLines )
		$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = "";
		$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = `python("import binascii;binascii.unhexlify(''.join('"+$LoneWolfProductions_Data[$fileDecoderDataLinecounter]+"'.split()))")`;
		$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = substituteAllString($fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine, "xÈx", "\n");
		$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = substituteAllString($fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine, "xÉx", "\"");
		$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = substituteAllString($fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine, "xÊx", "\t");
		$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = substituteAllString($fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine, "xËx", "\r");
		$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = substituteAllString($fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine, "xÌx", "\\");
		$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = substituteAllString($fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine, "xÍx", "_");
		$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = substituteAllString($fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine, "xÎx", "'");

		if(`match "^FILENAME : " $fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine` == "FILENAME : ")
			fclose $fileDecoderCreateNewFile;
			$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLineSize =  `size($fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine)`;
			$fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine = `substring $fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine 12 $fileDecoderCreateDecodedLineSize`;
			$fileDecoderCreateNewFile = `fopen ($fileDecoderLoneWolfProductionsDirectory + "/"+ $fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine) "w"`;
			$fileDecoderCurrentFileName = $fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine;
				-label ("Writing : " + $fileDecoderCurrentFileName)
				-step 1
			fprint $fileDecoderCreateNewFile $fileDecoderCreateDecodedLine;
		-step 1
	fclose $fileDecoderCreateNewFile;
		-label ("Writing : All done.")
		-progress $fileDecoderNumberOfFiles
		-progress $fileDecoderDataLines
	$fileDecoderAllFiles = `getFileList -folder ($fileDecoderLoneWolfProductionsDirectory+"/") -filespec "*.mel"`;
	$fileDecoderAllFilesCounter = 0;

	for($fileDecoderAllFilesCheck in $fileDecoderAllFiles)
		$fileDecoderShelfPath = `internalVar -ush`;
		$fileDecoderShelfOriginalPath = $fileDecoderLoneWolfProductionsDirectory + "/" + $fileDecoderAllFiles[$fileDecoderAllFilesCounter];
		$fileDecoderShelfDestinationPath = $fileDecoderShelfPath + "shelf_LoneWolfProductions.mel";
		if(`match "shelf" $fileDecoderShelfOriginalPath`== "shelf" && `match "LoneWolfProductions" $fileDecoderShelfOriginalPath`== "LoneWolfProductions")
		sysFile -rename $fileDecoderShelfDestinationPath $fileDecoderShelfOriginalPath;

		-button "Ok"
		-message "Please restart Maya to activate the shelf and scripts."
		-title "Restart of maya needed.";
			-window "fileDecoderWindow";

////////////////////////////////////////////////// Window Data //////////////////////////////////////////////////
proc fileDecoderWindowCheck(string $fileDecoderWindowCheck)
 	if(`window -exists $fileDecoderWindowCheck`)
			-window $fileDecoderWindowCheck;

proc fileDecoderCreateMainFrame()
 	global string $fileDecoderVersion;
		-resizeToFitChildren true
		-title ("Interactive UI Creator" + " - " + $fileDecoderVersion)
		-menuBar true
		-width 1024
		-height 768

proc fileDecoderFinalizeMainFrame()
		-attachForm fileDecoderButtonDecode "right" 5
		-attachForm fileDecoderButtonDecode "left" 5 
		-attachForm fileDecoderButtonDecode "top" 5

		-attachForm fileDecoderTextProgessBarFile "left" 5
		-attachForm fileDecoderTextProgessBarFile "right" 5
		-attachControl fileDecoderTextProgessBarFile "top" 5 fileDecoderButtonDecode

		-attachForm fileDecoderProgessBarFile "left" 5
		-attachForm fileDecoderProgessBarFile "right" 5
		-attachControl fileDecoderProgessBarFile "top" 5 fileDecoderTextProgessBarFile

		-attachForm fileDecoderTextProgessBarTotal "left" 5
		-attachForm fileDecoderTextProgessBarTotal "right" 5
		-attachControl fileDecoderTextProgessBarTotal "top" 5 fileDecoderProgessBarFile

		-attachForm fileDecoderProgessBarTotal "left" 5
		-attachForm fileDecoderProgessBarTotal "right" 5
		-attachControl fileDecoderProgessBarTotal "top" 5 fileDecoderTextProgessBarTotal
		-attachForm fileDecoderHelpLine "left" 5
		-attachForm fileDecoderHelpLine "bottom" 5
		-attachForm fileDecoderHelpLine "right" 5
		-attachControl fileDecoderHelpLine "top" 5 fileDecoderProgessBarTotal

proc fileDecoderActivateMainFrame()
		-width 10
		-height 10

proc fileDecoderCreateLayout()
		-numberOfDivisions 100
		-parent fileDecoderWindow
		-parent fileDecoderFormLayoutMain
		-visible true

proc fileDecoderCreateControls()
		-label "Decode"
		-annotation "Start Decoding"
		-parent fileDecoderFormLayoutMain
		-command "fileDecoderDecodeEncodedFile"	

		-parent fileDecoderFormLayoutMain
		-maxValue 100

		-parent fileDecoderFormLayoutMain		
		-maxValue 100
		-label "file"
		-align "left"
		-parent fileDecoderFormLayoutMain

		-label "Total"
		-align "left"
		-parent fileDecoderFormLayoutMain

If you completly could not run it, try running the code below to give me feed back on your settings. Thank you.
NOTE : this file is also availble in the above code if you could run it succesfully.

///                                                                                              ///
///               -= LoneWolf Productions =-                          __.....__                  ///
///               --------------------------                       .-'         '-.               ///
///                                                              .'               '.             ///
///                                                             /                   \            ///
///                      System Analysis                       /        |\           \           ///
///          For Feedback And Improvement Of Scripts          ;        |V \_          ;          ///
///                                                           |        |  ' \         ;          ///
///                        Autodesk                           ;        )   ,_\        |          ///
///                          Maya                             ;       /    |          ;          ///
///                          2012                              \     /      \        /           ///
///                         Script                              \    |       \      /            ///
///                                                              '.   \       \   .'             ///
///                                                                '-._|       \-'               ///
///         Created By : Caers Jouri aka Lone Wolf                     | |\     |                ///
///                     CopyRight 2011                         __lwp___/ |_'.   /______          ///
///                                                                                              ///
///                     © 2011 Lone Wolf Productions.  All rights reserved.                      ///

proc lwpSystemInfoValues()
 	scrollField -edit -insertText ("License product name.					" + ` about -product`+"\n")	lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;
	if(` about -evalVersion` == true){scrollField -edit -insertText "Evaluation/Registerd.					Evaluation.\n" lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;}else{scrollField -edit -insertText "Evaluation/Registerd.					Registrerd\n" lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;}
	scrollField -edit -insertText ("Build date.								" + `about -date`+"\n") lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;	
	scrollField -edit -insertText ("Application name.						" + `about -application`+"\n") lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;	
	if(` about -is64` == true){scrollField -edit -insertText "Application is 64 bit.					Yes\n" lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;}else{scrollField -edit -insertText "Application is 64 bit.					No\n" lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;}
	scrollField -edit -insertText ("Build directory.						" + `about -buildDirectory`+"\n") lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;	
	scrollField -edit -insertText ("Defaults file.							" + ` about -environmentFile`+"\n")	lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;	
	scrollField -edit  -insertText ("Help data.								" + ` about -helpDataDirectory`+"\n") lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;	
	if(` about -batch` == true){scrollField -edit -insertText "Application is in batch mode.			Yes\n" lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;}else{scrollField -edit -insertText "Application is in batch mode.			No\n" lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;}
	scrollField -edit -insertText "\n" lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;	
	scrollField -edit -insertText ("Operating system type.					" + ` about -operatingSystem`+"\n")	lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;	
	scrollField  -edit -insertText ("Operating system version.				" + ` about -operatingSystemVersion`) lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;	
	if(` about -ntOS` == true){scrollField -edit -insertText ("Windows.								Yes\n")	lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;}else{scrollField -edit -insertText ("Windows.								No\n") lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;} 	
	if(` about -windows` == true){scrollField -edit -insertText ("Windows based.							Yes\n")	lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;}else{scrollField -edit -insertText ("Windows based.							No\n") lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;} 	
	if(` about -win64` == true){scrollField -edit -insertText ("Windows x64 based.						Yes\n") lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;}else{scrollField -edit -insertText ("Windows x64 based.						No\n") lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;} 	
	if(` about -linux` == true){scrollField -edit -insertText ("Linux.									Yes\n")	lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;}else{scrollField -edit -insertText ("Linux.									No\n") lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;} 	
	if(` about -linux64` == true){scrollField -edit -insertText ("Linux 64 bit.							Yes\n")	lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;}else{scrollField -edit -insertText ("Linux 64 bit.							No\n") lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;} 	
	if(` about -macOS` == true){scrollField -edit -insertText ("Macintosh.								Yes\n")	lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;}else{scrollField -edit -insertText ("Macintosh.								No\n") lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;} 	
	if(` about -macOSppc` == true){scrollField -edit -insertText ("PowerPC Macintosh.						Yes\n")	lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;}else{scrollField -edit -insertText ("PowerPC Macintosh.						No\n") lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;} 	
	if(` about -macOSx86` == true){scrollField -edit -insertText ("Intel Macintosh.						Yes\n")	lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;}else{scrollField -edit -insertText ("Intel Macintosh.						No\n") lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;} 	
	scrollField -edit -insertText ("Window Manager.							" + ` about -windowManager`+"\n") lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;	
	scrollField -edit -insertText ("Codeset (codepage).						" + ` about -codeset`+"\n")	lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;	
	scrollField -edit -insertText "\n" lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation;	

global proc lwpSystemInfoClose(string $lwpSystemInfoWindowCheck)
			-window $lwpSystemInfoWindowCheck;

proc lwpSystemInfoWindowCheck(string $lwpSystemInfoWindowCheck)
 	if(`window -exists $lwpSystemInfoWindowCheck`)
			-window $lwpSystemInfoWindowCheck;

proc lwpSystemInfoCreateMainFrame()
 	global string $lwpSystemInfoVersion;
		-resizeToFitChildren true
		-title "Analysing System Settings Information"
		-menuBar true
		-width 1024
		-height 768

proc lwpSystemInfoFinalizeMainFrame()
		-attachForm lwpSystemInfoFrameLayoutInformation "right" 5
		-attachForm lwpSystemInfoFrameLayoutInformation "left" 5 
		-attachForm lwpSystemInfoFrameLayoutInformation "top" 5
		-attachPosition lwpSystemInfoFrameLayoutInformation "bottom" 5 25

		-attachForm lwpSystemInfoFrameLayoutSystemInformation "right" 5
		-attachForm lwpSystemInfoFrameLayoutSystemInformation "left" 5 
		-attachControl lwpSystemInfoFrameLayoutSystemInformation "top" 5 lwpSystemInfoFrameLayoutInformation
		-attachControl lwpSystemInfoFrameLayoutSystemInformation "bottom" 5 lwpSystemInfoButtonClose

		-attachForm lwpSystemInfoButtonClose "right" 5
		-attachForm lwpSystemInfoButtonClose "left" 5 
		-attachNone lwpSystemInfoButtonClose "top" 
		-attachForm lwpSystemInfoButtonClose "bottom" 5 

		-attachForm lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation "right" 5
		-attachForm lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation "left" 5 
		-attachForm lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation "top" 5
		-attachForm lwpSystemInfoScrollFieldInformation "bottom" 5

proc lwpSystemInfoActivateMainFrame()
		-width 1024
		-height 768

proc lwpSystemInfoCreateLayout()
		-numberOfDivisions 100
		-parent lwpSystemInfoWindow
		-labelVisible false
        -borderStyle "etchedOut"
		-parent lwpSystemInfoFormLayoutMain

		-labelVisible false
        -borderStyle "etchedOut"
		-parent lwpSystemInfoFormLayoutMain
		-numberOfDivisions 100
		-parent lwpSystemInfoFrameLayoutSystemInformation

proc lwpSystemInfoCreateControls()
 		-label "Thank you for evaluating my script,\n\nI would appreciate it if you could response with the provided information shown below so i can adjust them where needed.\nPlease also provide details on your experience, such as ie : everything worked fine, did not install properly, somethings missing, etc...\nthis information will depend on wich script of mine your are using,\nPlease refer to either the help file (if already included) or if I'm distributing this using a forum you can find more specific details there.\n\nThank you,\nLoneWolfProductions."
 		-parent lwpSystemInfoFrameLayoutInformation
	 	-wordWrap false
		-editable false
		-parent lwpSystemInfoFrameLayoutSystemInformation
		-label "Close"
		-command "lwpSystemInfoClose(\"lwpSystemInfoWindow\")"
		-parent lwpSystemInfoFormLayoutMain

//File Closer//
Please provide feedback if you have tested this script

Attached Files
File Type: txt Code.txt (78.7 KB, 554 views)

There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.

© All grammar errors are Copyrighted to me
# 2 06-12-2011 , 05:20 AM
NextDesign's Avatar
Technical Director
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 2,988
Hi Caers,

Your #2 has already been created;
Also, you can now use QT's UI builder, so the issue of a UI builder is not really a problem any longer.

To your code:
With your implementation, why are you using so many hex strings? When many programmers see that; it automatically raises a red-flag, as it looks like you're trying to hide something. I'm guessing you're using this to write your files? Why not just code a copier in python, or even a shell script; other than with MEL. Doing it with hex strings will only confuse you; and others.

Anyways, I've tried many of your hex strings, and I keep getting a lot of x'es in the results. For example:

binascii.unhexlify('20202020202020202d636f6d6d616e 642078c978736f757263652078cc7878c97854657374205363 72697074203030312e6d656c78cc7878c9783b78cc786e78c9 782078c878')

' -command x\xc9xsource x\xccxx\xc9xTest Script 001.melx\xccxx\xc9x;x\xccxnx\xc9x x\xc8x'

And just to be clear; your first post makes it seem like this would work for any script. Is this the case? I just don't want people getting confused when they run it. user added image

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Last edited by NextDesign; 06-12-2011 at 05:23 AM.
# 3 06-12-2011 , 05:29 AM
ctbram's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Michigan, USA
Posts: 2,998
...With your implementation, why are you using so many hex strings? When many programmers see that; it automatically raises a red-flag...

That is exactly what popped into my mind. So much binary data is scary!

"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Isaac Newton, 1675
# 4 06-12-2011 , 02:17 PM
Jouri's Avatar
Lone Wolf Productions
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Belgium, Antwerp
Posts: 18

Hi Caers,

Your #2 has already been created;
Also, you can now use QT's UI builder, so the issue of a UI builder is not really a problem any longer.

To your code:
With your implementation, why are you using so many hex strings? When many programmers see that; it automatically raises a red-flag, as it looks like you're trying to hide something. I'm guessing you're using this to write your files? Why not just code a copier in python, or even a shell script; other than with MEL. Doing it with hex strings will only confuse you; and others.

Anyways, I've tried many of your hex strings, and I keep getting a lot of x'es in the results. For example:

binascii.unhexlify('20202020202020202d636f6d6d616e 642078c978736f757263652078cc7878c97854657374205363 72697074203030312e6d656c78cc7878c9783b78cc786e78c9 782078c878')

' -command x\xc9xsource x\xccxx\xc9xTest Script 001.melx\xccxx\xc9x;x\xccxnx\xc9x x\xc8x'

And just to be clear; your first post makes it seem like this would work for any script. Is this the case? I just don't want people getting confused when they run it. user added image

no your missing the point. i tried Melanie. and i found it very unfriendly (my personal experience) also its missing layouts, and controls. Also its NOT inside maya. mine will be. you will see your window as you make it. it will update as your add things and directly debug it for you. And so on.

as for the hex codes. you are missing part of the decoding. those x's that you see are actualy MEL and Python special characters, like /n, //, /", ... in needed to change them for making all the strings compatible when handling them inside MEL and/or Python. So avoiding errors when reading MEL files for conversion.

after you decoded the hex string you also need to replace those special characters again to their original state for rebuilding the original MEL file.

for example the line that you took will look like this correctly decoded.

source "Test Script 001.mel";
this is a line from a button on the shelf.

your result should look like this
xÉxsource xÌxxÉxTest Script 001.melxÌxxÉx;xÌxnxÉx xÈx

so I don't know where you got all the \ could be a version conflict. but thats why i'm asking to test it user added image

i use the "x something x" key for myself to keep the code from confusing the special character with a original character

Another point is you only got the decoder part to remake the files. the actual Encoder is at this point not yet released as i dont want it to be used before i know its 100% error free. The data i created works fine on my system and Maya 2012. the question is does it works on other systems and maya versions.

as for you last question. the complete decoder for creating the data strings will be ussable for all scripts that are made up off different scripts. right now its just a test phase.


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Last edited by Jouri; 06-12-2011 at 03:08 PM.
# 5 06-12-2011 , 02:48 PM
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...With your implementation, why are you using so many hex strings? When many programmers see that; it automatically raises a red-flag...

That is exactly what popped into my mind. So much binary data is scary!

I understand your point. that Data are the actual scripts that will be rebuild. the idea behind this is that Maya users can use and install scripts, shelfs, ... in on go instead of copying these files there, adjusting maya's script path here in the env file creatin a shelf for them overthere, etc etc.

also the source is provide a programmer should easely be able to take a smal part of it verify the data.

what i'm trying to do is simple. keep everything inside maya. dont go outside of it. by using mel as a starting point i'm providing source code. nothing is hidden inside an installer, how many time did you install something and received some kind of extra junk program or browser addon etc, etc, that you didnt want? by providing MEL source instead of some .exe installer you can see what you get. at least thats the point of it.
Also by staying inside maya i can get detailed info on the end users maya version and installation to adjust the installement where needed. not everybody installs in the same way.

ok right now its kinda hidden inside the hex data but still you get the point (i hope user added image)
keep in mind this is just a beta version. improved version will decode the data and let you view it before installing, etc etc.

Also i'm just starting in MEL because i wanted some change so its most likley i will improve the data storage.
I hope this explains it a bit :p

EDIT : in the end the idea is to even compress the data down in size inside maya MEL.


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Last edited by Jouri; 06-12-2011 at 03:13 PM. Reason: more explaining
# 6 06-12-2011 , 11:35 PM
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no your missing the point. i tried Melanie. and i found it very unfriendly (my personal experience) also its missing layouts, and controls. Also its NOT inside maya. mine will be. you will see your window as you make it. it will update as your add things and directly debug it for you. And so on.

And have you tried QT?

Sorry, but I still don't see the point. You need to install a script to install a script. It seems redundant to me. Plus, in a studio environment this would be hard to work with; as you'd have to modify that script; publish it to everyone's machine; then run that script to install the new script.

But going back to storing everything as hex; it's too easy to dump something like this:
'6f732e73797374656d28276630726d617420633a202f79272 9'

Which (with the 0 removed) would format the user's C drive. Plus, this actually makes the code larger, as each character needs to be stored with 2. (2*2 bytes = 4 bytes; instead of 1*2 bytes = 2 bytes) user added image

I think this idea is interesting, but I'm not sure if you're taking the best path with it. Maybe I'm still not getting it.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Last edited by NextDesign; 06-12-2011 at 11:51 PM.
# 7 07-12-2011 , 04:56 AM
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And have you tried QT?

Sorry, but I still don't see the point. You need to install a script to install a script. It seems redundant to me. Plus, in a studio environment this would be hard to work with; as you'd have to modify that script; publish it to everyone's machine; then run that script to install the new script.

But going back to storing everything as hex; it's too easy to dump something like this:
'6f732e73797374656d28276630726d617420633a202f79272 9'

Which (with the 0 removed) would format the user's C drive. Plus, this actually makes the code larger, as each character needs to be stored with 2. (2*2 bytes = 4 bytes; instead of 1*2 bytes = 2 bytes) user added image

I think this idea is interesting, but I'm not sure if you're taking the best path with it. Maybe I'm still not getting it.

ok lets see, i'll try to explain it better and use some examples to make it clear.

you say you need to install a script to install a ascript. no, you copy paste the code and that code will install "several" scripts that make work together for you.

example : maya can handle .mel files over 500 lines but recommends not doing it. i created an complex interface that alone is over 1500 lines. now imagine when i start adding actual coding to it. that script will explode to a size of starting to become a pain to edit. Like in other programming languages you start to divide the code over several modules. just look at the directory of the maya default scripts itself. i did a quick scan and its counting over 6800 scripts. every piece does something else but still they all can work together. like in antoher exampletake your opreating system. its not one file its thousends of files. (ok this example is going extreme but by know you should be getting the point i hope)

so you dont install my script shown above. you run it once and it will install the actual program (scripts), its its own directory inside the scripts folder, create a script path to it, install a shelf to call the individual scripts and so on...

so you dont need to modify my script in any way. as you are impleying. i have here on my side another script (lets call this the creator) i run it. specify the directory i want. it compiles the data and spits out the script you see above. in this example only some dummy scripts where used like, stander Maya examples found in the documantation. just for testing to see if the code would work on other machines.

now going back to the hex strings. Like i said in the OP the code is RAW and can/will be optimized. i choose hex string for the following reason.

lets say i have a line like this in my script file (just taking a random piece of code)

global proc interactiveUICreatorHelpUniqueName()
		-title "Help"
		-message ("Choosing an unique name is important to avoid conflicts.\n\nThe name must begin with a letter and is followed by letters,\ndigits, or underscores (no spaces allowed).\n\n Examples :\n\n\tGood\t\"abc\"\n\t\t\"abc123\"\n\n\tBad\t\"123\"\n\t\t\"123abc\"\n\t\t\"abc def\"\n\n\nNOTE : Upper and lower case allowed, the name is case sensitve,\n\"dog\" is not the same as \"Dog\" but both are allowed.")
		-icon "information"
		-button "Ok" 
		-defaultButton "Ok"
		-cancelButton "Ok" 
		-dismissString "Ok"
		-parent interactiveUICreatorWindow;
Now i want to make this into a string. already you see that it has many special and reserved things inside it. and I noticed maya mel will flip out when doing that. thats why i chosen hex strings. then go from 0-9 and from a-f still representing the very same code. as i understand your concern that somebody with bad intentions could dump some bad things but if you go from that point of view you really shouldnt install anything because such code can be anywhere inside a program if a person really wanted to. but lets move on.

so i'm already working on a new routine stepping away from hex to my own format of compression. its just takes some time to convert it to MEL. this is just a testphase. in the end i will actually end up with much, much less code resulting in less data when the code gets optimized.

I hope i get this up and running asap as i dont mind critism it sounds like nobody wants to try it wich in return isnt helping me progress to the next stage of the project.

if this stays like this i will probebly only be able to produce things for my type of machine, the version of maya i'm using, etc etc...

So i hope i brought some more light to your confusion please dont hesitate to ask if you still dont get the point. do consider, the next point would be a youtube video so i can show/explain it that way user added image lol


EDIT : no i did not try QT yet. (somehow missed that by going over the hex. Big story short. i doing this project to get familiar with mel. so even if it does exsist. i'm still doing it user added image

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Last edited by Jouri; 07-12-2011 at 04:58 AM.
# 8 07-12-2011 , 05:34 AM
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I think when people see stuff like this in anything that can run as a program on their machine they are going to be hesitant...


"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Isaac Newton, 1675
# 9 07-12-2011 , 07:12 AM
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Alright, that makes sense. So if the user wants to specify an icon, it would parse that in as well?

I understand what you're trying to do, and I applaud you for it. It's not a simple thing. I've created exporters for renderers, and it's a massive pain; however I still believe it could be done with a shell script. Since Maya creates a few environment variables, you could use those to get the scripts directory. This also has the advantage of being executed without having Maya open. This is a big plus for studios, when patches are being pushed regularly. It eliminates version-conflicts.

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# 10 07-12-2011 , 04:21 PM
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I think when people see stuff like this in anything that can run as a program on their machine they are going to be hesitant...

agreed, but like i said its only the first trial run. and i used hex as an easy way out to avoid conflicts. i can easely create other less weird looking data. But i'm still converting my own compression method to MEL.

When its done you'll see it will be far less dangerous/suspicious looking. (no more hex strings, much much less data strings)


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# 11 07-12-2011 , 04:33 PM
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Alright, that makes sense. So if the user wants to specify an icon, it would parse that in as well?

yes even icons will be distributed inside that one installemnt script.

I understand what you're trying to do, and I applaud you for it. It's not a simple thing. I've created exporters for renderers, and it's a massive pain; however I still believe it could be done with a shell script. Since Maya creates a few environment variables, you could use those to get the scripts directory. This also has the advantage of being executed without having Maya open. This is a big plus for studios, when patches are being pushed regularly. It eliminates version-conflicts.

Thanks, and i know its not simple, the fact that i'm just recently started exploring mel makes it even harder, I still need to explore alot of commands and probable are coding some things way to complicated due to its a new programming language for me. But due the fact that Python is availble also i know i can overcome things that MEL does not support directly. So in theory, anything is possible.

Like i said before in the OP, programming isn't the problem for me, learning the new language, its commands and rules is the only point that slows me down atm.


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