Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 91 04-03-2005 , 02:31 PM
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Originally posted by Anise
Valeria. Yes, that came from Conan the Barbarian.

Awesome. user added image

# 92 04-03-2005 , 10:29 PM
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Count Matt Daniel Wettstein user added image

Beleive it or not user added image.

I don't exactly live like a count, but the title comes from past generations.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

email -
# 93 04-03-2005 , 11:02 PM
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Carsten Lind.

Carsten is a nickname for Kristen, which means christian. Kristen became Carsten someway back in the good old days when the Vikings beat the heck out of the britts.

Lind means smooth or thin as in a thin soft smooth liquid. Somewhere in Denmark theres a town called Lind, and like ten years ago I went there.
It was quite funny to see how many stores I actually own : Lind pharmacy, Lind Bank, Lind Gas station, Lind townhall.. hmm I wonder how come my bank account don't reflect that !? user added image

Sarrah: I just wanna say that there's absolutely nothing wrong with the name Rebecca !! My 2 year old daughter is called that ..
And by the way, a funny thing is that I am telling her stories about a little girl called Sarrah who has a monkey !

Carsten Lind
Senior 3D Artist,
Maya Software Manager & Maya Instructor
LEGO Systems A/S
# 94 05-03-2005 , 04:26 AM
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hehe my name is Anita naufal. am not gona go through where that comes from its a long u can call me anit.

Alpha Gamma Sygma.
# 95 05-03-2005 , 07:33 AM
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Michael Cannon... boring but true.

AIM: mhcannonDMC

"If you love your job, you'll never work another day in your life."
# 96 05-03-2005 , 02:19 PM
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Posts: 119
Robert Binnie

Binnie, originally from Scotland, with the same roots as Bean (and others) which is why the Binnie's have their tartan on the moon - al la Alan Bean.

Also links with McBain - so watch it!

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# 97 05-03-2005 , 05:44 PM
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Well mine is Jason but preferably Jay. Jason means healer, so is this why I end up helping people with their modelling probs??

But you can call me whatever you want:p


Say my name!!!!!!

# 98 06-03-2005 , 09:19 AM
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First name: Jens Henrik
Last name: Skuldbøl

My first name is from my parents' fathers, my mother's was named Jens, and my father's Henrik, which are both pretty common danish names, but apparently form a paradox when combined. I always have to repeat it a couple of hundred times to people. It might be because there are lots of different danish names that consists of two common names being combined... Don't know anything about my last name though...

Nick: Blomkaal

Blomkål, the danish word for cauliflower, the 'å' is a newer (don't know when it started) danish (I think it's used in a few other nordic countries) letter, which replaced 'aa', hence: blomkål = blomkaal user added image

Liter is French for 'Gimme some ****ing cola before I break vous ****ing lips!"
# 99 06-03-2005 , 10:16 PM
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Leigh Murphy

had some twisted parents and they gave me a girly name,

They "murph" part is, (of course) my second name shortened by my "Drill" instructor at basic training, neally ten years ago, and it stuck..


Last edited by murph; 06-03-2005 at 10:30 PM.
# 100 07-03-2005 , 04:49 AM
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Originally posted by mtmckinley
Michael J. McKinley, but you can call me Mike.
user added image

1. Does the J stand for "Jay"?
2. Do people get confused with the J and mistake it for a T?
3. Have you ever made peanut butter into something indistinguishable from yams?

Oh, my name's Steve Stone user added image

# 101 07-03-2005 , 04:51 AM
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Posts: 33

Originally posted by caligraphics
Lind means smooth or thin as in a thin soft smooth liquid.

Is that where the "Lindor" chocolates get their name from?

# 102 07-03-2005 , 09:36 AM
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my real name is corn holio...

the name itself means CORN OIL?


sriously,its HERBERT AGUDERA...pretty boring ry?hehee

but u can all call H,corn, or even cornhorny...hehehe

# 103 07-03-2005 , 10:58 AM
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Murph ya big girl!!

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# 104 07-03-2005 , 08:08 PM
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Christopher= Latin for Bearing Christ
Sean= Irish for John
Shaber= Old German for trickster.

I'm not sure where the Christopher came from but Sean comes from my mom being a huge James Bond fan, need I expand on it?

# 105 08-03-2005 , 07:33 PM
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My real name is the not-quite-so-famous Crystal P. Hopefully one day my name will become famous! user added image Until that day....I will remain shunned in the shadows whilst I work on paintings in Photoshop or create massive amounts of 3D models. user added image

~CGPMaya84 (also DragonTU84 from SimplyPhotoshop and CPAnimate84 from SimplyMax)
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