Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 1 08-03-2005 , 01:35 PM
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Hello i am new and i can't understand how i can uv map simple objects (see the tutorial with texture basics by Michael Mckinley) and exported the image to photoshop so can use it like i guide and create a texture!
Who ever is kind enough to answer me please do so analazing all the steps as simply as you can!!!
Thank you for your time!! user added image

# 2 09-03-2005 , 07:15 AM
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love sky
# 3 09-03-2005 , 10:28 AM
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I was actually intrested finding this UV mapping out myself. So I checked some tutorials I had laying around and quick-modeled a clunky duck.
I got something going. I screencaptured it and descriped my steps:

Select the faces on your model to texture (1)

Choose Edit Polygons>Texture>Planer Mapping option window
In here choose Polygon Planer Projection Options > Edit > Reset and set Mapping Direction: Z-Axis (to project from above). Press Project (2)

Choose Window > UV Texture Editor ... (3). You can scale the project if you'd like. Then UV Texture Editor > Polygons > UV Spapshot ... and save the file as TARGA.

Open the TGA file in Photoshop and go wild! user added image (4)

Back in Maya, asign a Surface material to the model with your new TGA file as the Color (5).

Doesn't matter much if you choose Planer/Cylindrical/Spherical/Automatic Mapping, it just will map the selected polygons differently in the UV Texture Editor.

Let me know if it's working for you.

Attached Thumbnails

Last edited by Eelco; 10-03-2005 at 07:00 AM.
# 4 10-03-2005 , 01:36 AM
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I've been playing with this UV Texture Editor a bit and I think my previous post is not complete. Plus I got a question myself.

Because I selected all faces on my duck to project a Planer Mapping in the y-axis, the faces underneath have the same mapping as above. For these faces, a new mapping can be projected and placed elsewhere on the same map.

Adjusting the faces can be done by selecting the faces/points/edges in the perspective view, then [Ctrl]+[right_mouse_button] click in the UV Texture Editor and choose To UV. Now the faces can be adjusted with standard move/rotate/scale tools on the manipulator.

Annoyingly enough, mis-clicking the manipulator will deselect, and u'd have to go to perspective view to start the selection procedure over again. :tired:
I've seen a video tutorial (sorry,.. not a where another point of the face is selected in the UV Texture Editor without going back and forth to perspective view. Anybody got suggestions on this?

# 5 10-03-2005 , 01:43 AM
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Originally posted by Eelco
Annoyingly enough, mis-clicking the manipulator will deselect, and u'd have to go to perspective view to start the selection procedure over again. :tired: [/B]

Nope... Just undo and your selection will still be there user added image

AIM: mhcannonDMC

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# 6 10-03-2005 , 02:16 AM
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Ah .. true :tup:

Any idea how to change selection among points of a face without having to go back an forth to perspective to select another point?
U know .. when u're skewing and tweaking a single face projection, u go like,... this point a bit left ,... that point a bit up, oh.. the previous point back to right.
Just the toggling between UV Texture Editor and perspective clicking the hotkey menus with every tweak ... pfffff user added image There must be a better way.

# 7 10-03-2005 , 03:04 AM
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you should be adjusting the UVs vice the vertices in the texture editor. You can invoke the right-click menu in the texture editor also to switch from faces, edge, and UVs.

Haven't found a way to go to previous selection yet...

AIM: mhcannonDMC

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# 8 10-03-2005 , 06:30 AM
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Indeed,.. combining [right_mouse_button] en [Ctrl]+[right_mouse_button] menus in the UV Texture editor is a lot quicker. It sometimes is like a treasure-hunt those menus user added image Every window has its own surprises.

Thanks for the tips. :tup:

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