Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 1 23-05-2005 , 03:50 PM
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import maya to zbrush

someone know how to import a model form maya to zbrush.
i tryed this:
-i select the object
-click on the last button(i dont knoe its name)
-clik on objexport(stg like that)
-file-export selection(click on the small folder)
-obj export(in the samll case)
-open zbrush
-choose what a want to imprt
and after that it should work but it doesnt. it write that there is error

what sould i do:headbang:

# 2 23-05-2005 , 06:03 PM
uberstonks's Avatar
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I have imported Obj files into Zbrush from Maya with no problems before ?

Have you tried converting a different object to Obj and tried to import that instead to see if its a problem with the scene you are trying to get into Zbrush ?

# 3 23-05-2005 , 09:51 PM
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Re: import maya to zbrush

Originally posted by mc-fleury
someone know how to import a model form maya to zbrush.
i tryed this:
-i select the object
-click on the last button(i dont knoe its name)
-clik on objexport(stg like that)
-file-export selection(click on the small folder)
-obj export(in the samll case)
-open zbrush
-choose what a want to imprt
and after that it should work but it doesnt. it write that there is error

what sould i do:headbang:

what error

# 4 23-05-2005 , 10:23 PM
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maybe but i dont want to read it and i dont know where i can find it.whne you wrote it maybe could have been able to say what is my error.idont like people like youuser added image .

if you wanted to frustred me, you sucessed.all peopl answer me before and they are all nice.i saw a message you wrote to someone trying to show his model and you said him that it was very bad(stg like that).

p.s. i dont want to be banned because i said that.i just said what i think of him and thats it.

# 5 23-05-2005 , 10:40 PM
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Originally posted by mc-fleury
maybe but i dont want to read it and i dont know where i can find it.whne you wrote it maybe could have been able to say what is my error.idont like people like youuser added image .

if you wanted to frustred me, you sucessed.all peopl answer me before and they are all nice.i saw a message you wrote to someone trying to show his model and you said him that it was very bad(stg like that).

p.s. i dont want to be banned because i said that.i just said what i think of him and thats it.

what?user added image
what r u talking about?

what error are you getting, if yiu tell ppl the error message then they can determine how to help you.

relax guy user added image

ur import steps looks fine to me, i dont see why they would not work, thats how i import to ZB,
maybe when u are exporting your obj you choose wrong options [which i doubt]

# 6 23-05-2005 , 11:51 PM
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scuse me man i was very frustred becuse of stg that hapened to me but dont care about what a said to youuser added image

next time i will try to be less stupid lol

scuse my bad english

# 7 24-05-2005 , 04:20 PM
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So..... as Vlad said........ what error does it say when you try and import it

# 8 24-05-2005 , 05:10 PM
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i dont think so.ithink he tryd to say me that i had to check the `tutorial`` before posting a question.

but... i dont know alwas say me an error

# 9 24-05-2005 , 06:01 PM
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Bud you said

and after that it should work but it doesnt. it write that there is error

What did it say the error was ?

# 10 24-05-2005 , 06:43 PM
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he didnt say me what the error was.he only said that .

# 11 24-05-2005 , 07:11 PM
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Ok can you type out exactly what is printed on the screen when you try and import the file. Im sorry if im not making myself clear to you, I am trying to help

# 12 24-05-2005 , 08:20 PM
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its ok... i didnt try since but it says stg like there is an error while importing

# 13 25-05-2005 , 06:55 AM
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OK, Then lets try somethinsg else,
try searching the net for a free model in obj format and see if you can import that.
If you cant import it, then the problem is with Zbrush. If you can import it, then the problem is with how you are exporting from Maya.
Let me know how you get on

# 14 24-06-2005 , 07:05 PM
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downloading models

I download a model from this site and then it opens up maya when it's done but nothing is there. What's going on?

# 15 24-06-2005 , 11:13 PM
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