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# 1 03-09-2005 , 01:54 AM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 121

Problem Applying Texture

Hey guys. Well, I modelled a giraffe out of a polygon cube and then smoothed it out with polygon --> smooth value set to 2. I then attempted to texture the body. I got the UVs by using automatic mapping, and they came out surprisingly well. I then transferred the UV outline to Photoshop, and, for fun, drew yellow all over the legs and then exported it back to maya and applied it to the model. It worked properly, with yellow squiggles all over the legs. I then deleted that for obvious reasons. Later on, I opened the UV outline in Photoshop and actually applied a texture to it, but when exporting it back to Maya and applying it through Hypershade, it came out very strange, with the UV outline printed all over the giraffe's body (with the texture on the UVs). I don't know exactly what happened there, but it's annoying me. Any idea what I can do to ensure the texture applies properly?

If I didn't explain it properly, let me know and I'll try to explain it differently.

# 2 03-09-2005 , 02:17 AM
Nurb Herder's Avatar
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I'm not absolutely certain that I understood your question and that's probably my fault as it's late here and I need sleep but, you did create your texture map in photoshop on a seperate layer other than that of the actual UV map didn't you?

# 3 03-09-2005 , 02:20 AM
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Posts: 121
Yes, the first thing I did was turn the UV map into a regular layer and put it on screen mode.

Edit: Just did it again using the UV as the bottom layer and creating layers on top of it, but still no luck. I must be doing something different from the first time but I don't know what.

Last edited by Nusirilo; 03-09-2005 at 02:24 AM.
# 4 03-09-2005 , 06:04 AM
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Just a suggestion , but did you remember to turn the UV layer off when saving it out ?

# 5 03-09-2005 , 01:00 PM
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Originally posted by jsprogg
Just a suggestion , but did you remember to turn the UV layer off when saving it out ?

I'm not exactly sure what you mean. Do you mean the UV layer that appears when you right click the giraffe and the choice to switch to UVs, vertexs, etc., pops up? I don't think I ever had that on if that is what you're talking about.

# 6 03-09-2005 , 08:58 PM
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I mean in Photoshop , once you have created your texture .Before you save it to load back into Maya, did you remember to turn the UV layer off to be not visible as you said you set it to screen.

# 7 03-09-2005 , 11:12 PM
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Posts: 121

Originally posted by jsprogg
I mean in Photoshop , once you have created your texture .Before you save it to load back into Maya, did you remember to turn the UV layer off to be not visible as you said you set it to screen.

No, I didn't. How do I do that? And does that make a difference? Because I remember watching a McKinley tutorial and I don't remember him turning the UV layer off (of course I likely could have missed it).

Once again, how would I turn the UV layer off?

# 8 04-09-2005 , 02:15 PM
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Posts: 26
just click the little eye thingy... right next to each layer theres like this little icon that looks like an eye.. click that and it should make that layer, invisible.

# 9 04-09-2005 , 04:25 PM
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Posts: 274
yeah, just hide the layer thats got the uv map on it, or move it below all the other layers.

# 10 04-09-2005 , 04:42 PM
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Posts: 121
Ok, I'll try that out and see if it works. Thanks for the advice.

EDIT: Ok, tried that out by placing the layer with my drawing on it (just a few quick paint lines for testing) above the layer with the UVs on it (I changed the UV section from a background to a layer) and turned the UV layer off or invisible by clicking the eye. Now, when I apply it to the giraffe, instead of showing the rest of the UVs with the paint on them, I only see the paint (but still in the small size that I saw it as before).

Last edited by Nusirilo; 04-09-2005 at 04:50 PM.
# 11 04-09-2005 , 05:58 PM
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Posts: 274
im confused, post a pic

# 12 04-09-2005 , 08:37 PM
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Posts: 121

Originally posted by matt4068
im confused, post a pic

I have to head out right now but I will post a pic as soon as I get back (why didn't I think of that lol).

# 13 05-09-2005 , 02:33 AM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 121
Ok, I attached the .mb file with the texture applied to show the problem. You will see yellow scribbles (the slight outline I drew on the legs in Photoshop) all over the body. This is the texture/UV that was supposed to apply to the object in larger form. Have fun user added image

EDIT: Bah, it won't apply because the file is too large, probably because of the texture. Is there any way that I can decrease the file size from 460 (approx) KB to about 220 KB (the max size on these forums)?

# 14 05-09-2005 , 07:37 AM
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If you want a smaller file size then maybe try zipping it up?

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# 15 05-09-2005 , 01:00 PM
Join Date: Aug 2005
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Originally posted by t1ck135
If you want a smaller file size then maybe try zipping it up?

Ah, you smart man user added image All this time with WinRAR and I never think to actually ZIP a file instead of just unZipping them.

Anyways, here is the file showing my problem as described above.

Attached Files
File Type: zip (208.9 KB, 397 views)
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