Introduction to Maya - Rendering in Arnold
This course will look at the fundamentals of rendering in Arnold. We'll go through the different light types available, cameras, shaders, Arnold's render settings and finally how to split an image into render passes (AOV's), before we then reassemble it i
# 46 26-09-2005 , 03:40 PM
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Banning them in the UK has done a great job hasn't it. Tell me, Has that dropped you deaths from hand guns sense your ban went into place?

# 47 26-09-2005 , 04:00 PM
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we haven't had any more school massacres..... funny that user added image

I'm not worried that other people on the street/in their cars have a gun there...

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# 48 03-10-2005 , 03:38 PM
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I saw this thread earlier and I have no idea why I didn't comment on the gun, 'cause it's really an amazing piece of work! If it hadn't gotten you an A you should have taken a bat or something and beaten the sh*t out of your teacher! j/k user added image

I'm not really sure about the rules on handguns here in Denmark, but as far as I remember, you can buy handguns if you're a member of a marksman club, but it has to be stored in a safe in the club until you've been a member for 2 years. Then you can take it home with you, but there are still pretty strict rules for storing it.

I'm not really sure on where I stand on keeping handguns in homes, but I'm 100% with Alan on the assault weapons, that's just plain stupid! :headbang:

How old are you Rick? Just curious since you own a gun and all...

Liter is French for 'Gimme some ****ing cola before I break vous ****ing lips!"

Last edited by blomkaal; 03-10-2005 at 03:47 PM.
# 49 03-10-2005 , 04:15 PM
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Pure_Morning, We have diferences of opinions on that matter so Oh well. I do own an AR15 (civilian semi auto M16) I have a gun safe so they are locked up at my house, bolted to the wall from inside the safe.

blomkaal, Thanks. I am 29 turning 30 in Jan. I have a clean record and have never been convictied of a fellony. Here in Arizona, as long as you have a clean record, are over 18 and have an Arizona drivers license you can walk in and purchase any semi auto fire arm up to the Barret 50 cal. Handguns, shotgun and rifles no problem. No waiting period either. For $200 you can take two Saturday classes and get your conceal and carry permit. Without the permit you are allowed to carry a firearm almost anywere as long as it is in sight. Places like banks, school, airports, you are not allowed to bring them in.

With a serious background check, the sheriffs approval $2000, and a lot of classes you can get a level 2 license that allows you to purchase full autos, silencers and short shotguns.

I am just explaining the gun laws here.

# 50 03-10-2005 , 04:33 PM
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Here in Arizona, as long as you have a clean record, are over 18 and have an Arizona drivers license you can walk in and purchase any semi auto fire arm up to the Barret 50 cal. Handguns, shotgun and rifles no problem. No waiting period either. For $200 you can take two Saturday classes and get your conceal and carry permit. Without the permit you are allowed to carry a firearm almost anywere as long as it is in sight.

Does that scare the hell out of anyone else too?
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# 51 03-10-2005 , 04:36 PM
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Ya, and it scares the hell out of crooks too. You know how few rapes, robberies and theft we have here in phoenix. Well we have a high car theft being this close to mexico.

# 52 03-10-2005 , 04:42 PM
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lol, Rick I think you and I will never see eye to eye on this one user added image lets just leave it at that user added image

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# 53 03-10-2005 , 04:46 PM
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I Happily agree.:attn: user added image

# 54 03-10-2005 , 06:04 PM
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Guns don't kill people, I KILL PEOPLE!!! user added image user added image

I have to admit, I still don't see how anyone can feel the need to own a M16 (come to think of it, a M16 is no different from any other semi-auto rifle, so why not), but at least you seem like a pretty reasonable guy, so let's leave it at that user added image

But WHY ON EARTH whould ANYONE feel the need to own a Barret 50 cal.?! You could blow a hole in a wall big enough to stick your head through with one of those things!
And please don't tell me it's for self defence, that would simply be insulting user added image

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# 55 03-10-2005 , 06:41 PM
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that's like saying why buy a ferarri when you can have a ford escort?

Any gun is designed to kill people, regardless of its power and calibre, its the penis substitution syndrome - thats why you want a glock, nice and understated, light, accurate and still packs a whallop (unless you believe counter-strike) user added image

# 56 03-10-2005 , 06:43 PM
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Ya, A 50 cal can go through an APC. No real reason. Self defence, Haha. Self defence through ten houses. No, threre is no reason.

# 57 03-10-2005 , 07:05 PM
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Originally posted by alexfinbow
that's like saying why buy a ferarri when you can have a ford escort?

More like saying why buy a Lear jet when you'll never EVER have to go anywhere you can't get to on a bike... If you're refering to my "Why buy a 50 cal." remark, that is user added image

Originally posted by alexfinbow
Any gun is designed to kill people, regardless of its power and calibre, its the penis substitution syndrome

Soo... What you're saying is that anyone who owns a gun want's to run around crazy, killing other people, and that anyone who owns a really big gun has a very small penis? user added image
Guns are made for 2 reasons: survival, be it hunting or self defence, and hobbys/sports (and war, which the world should be without), and the only reason I can find to own something that powerful would be as a collector's item, in which case a harmless replica would be just as good.

Originally posted by RickStefani
Self defence through ten houses.

Yeah, my neighbour's neighbour's neighbour's neighbour's neighbour's neighbour looked at my in a really suspicious way the other day, but I'll make him think twice before ever threatning me again! user added image

Anyways, sorry for getting this thread on a wrong track user added image

Liter is French for 'Gimme some ****ing cola before I break vous ****ing lips!"
# 58 04-10-2005 , 08:52 AM
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I'm from the UK and have been brought up with guns (12 bores and air rifles/pistols etc) and have a very healthy respect for them.

I dont see the need for people to keep them for any other reason than to use in sport (clay pigeon shooting/pheasant shooting, practice ranges etc).
It'd be good if people had to store their hand-guns at the shooting ranges and not be able to take them out. Sports rifles could be more problematic as they can be used outside the remit of a shooting range.
I know things are different in the US and guns are more freely available but anything is good that makes it harder for joe public to access them without a valid reason.

Just my twopence user added image

p.s, I dont currently and won't ever own a gun unless I take up clay pigeon shooting as a major hobby (which would be nice but I prefer 3D modelling user added image )

Btw, back on subject, thats a great model you've done there rick user added image

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Last edited by t1ck135; 04-10-2005 at 01:46 PM.
# 59 04-10-2005 , 03:03 PM
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I am a keen airsofter, which for those who don't know is identical replica guns which shoot BB's, it's like paintballing only much more accurate and fun. user added image

The sport of airsofting is coming under fire (no pun intendeduser added image ) from the government due to the violent crimes act, and could become illegal to buy airsoft guns soon. This is all because of the gun culture in both America and the UK, and it's the case of a small minority ruining it for everyone else.

"By a free country, I mean a country where people are allowed, so long as they do not hurt their neighbours, to do as they like. I do not mean a country where six men may make five men do exactly as they like." - Lord Salisbury (1830-1903)

# 60 04-10-2005 , 05:32 PM
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t1ck135, guns can be a lot of fun. I never go to shooting ranges. I always go out in the desert. We have a lot of area out here that is safe to shoot. My experiences from most people who come to visit from the UK do not know how open the area is and how large the country is. We have a lot of rugged terain here. A lot of sandy washed where you can fire into a bowl and not have to worry about people for 50 miles in that direction at the slim remote change that the sand of the bowl would deflect the round, which it will not.

alexfinbow, , your penis coment was funny. Military rifles like the M16 is not actually designed to kill but to wound. It is a small bullet actually. The reason is because in war the horror of seeing your friend screeming in pain is more damaging as well as it takes two soldiers to carry a wounded soldier off of the field. The dead can be left while an army with to many wounded is crippled.

This other point is funny, and I know I am not going to change anyones mind. Your society took away a fun and enjoyable past time but most of you do not have a problem with it. With airsoft and paintball you are training to fight the same way the police and military do. The part you understand is it is not your intension to become a trained killer. It is the fun and enjoyment of the sport. You have the skill, along with your freinds to go and buy guns ilegally and hunt people down. Are you going to do it? No, it was always about the fun and spending the time with your friends. This is the same way with shooting real guns, only you are not shooting at other people.

edit, Just if anyone is wondering, The whole of UK is 244,101 Km sq. while the state of Arizona alone is 294,312 Km sq.

Last edited by RickStefani; 04-10-2005 at 06:55 PM.
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