Hey there mate. Nice to hear from you. I know exactly what you mean by the paper work you mentioned. I've done it tooOriginally posted by Kevin
Hi all
Just dropping in to say hello. The place looks good!
I see a lot of you have improved a lot in the WIPs area - keep it up.
I get my keys for my new property around December time - been told between the 5th and 12th. I am opening up a restaurant / cocktail bar. Its been a real pain in the fkn ass and any one whom has done a business plan and cashflow / profit charts for loans from banks know what I mean. Not only that but the dam solisitors!!! they enjoy things "dragging" out to get there £150 an hour / £35 a letter / £15 a phone call etc etc
So as soon as I am in it is going to take me around 5 weeks to renovate then a weeks trials then Im open. So everyone in the Letchworth area who likes mexican food and nice cold beer and cocktails make sure to keep an eye out. Its called the Mexican Mule.
Take Care all
Kev xx
From Maya to Mayo.Originally posted by Kevin
Hi all
Just dropping in to say hello. The place looks good!
I see a lot of you have improved a lot in the WIPs area - keep it up.
I get my keys for my new property around December time - been told between the 5th and 12th. I am opening up a restaurant / cocktail bar. Its been a real pain in the fkn ass and any one whom has done a business plan and cashflow / profit charts for loans from banks know what I mean. Not only that but the dam solisitors!!! they enjoy things "dragging" out to get there £150 an hour / £35 a letter / £15 a phone call etc etc
So as soon as I am in it is going to take me around 5 weeks to renovate then a weeks trials then Im open. So everyone in the Letchworth area who likes mexican food and nice cold beer and cocktails make sure to keep an eye out. Its called the Mexican Mule.
Take Care all
Kev xx