Not sure anyone here remembers me but I was the lad that spent so much time bugging the forum about a little short I was trying to make called Identity Crisis. I had all these questions about lighting and GI and radiosity and such. Well, that ship, for better or worse, has more or less sailed. 3D is just little more than a dream for me now.
Maya is such a hard a$$ program to learn. Holy buckets! Talk about a mindbender! :headbang: I do thank everyone for all of the help you gave me. Time just hasn't been a good friend to me as of late. My wife nagged me all the time about the amount of time I was spending on the project and not with her. She was kind of right but I've moved on to screenwriting now in the hopes of firing up a new career. 3D is great but it's kinda hard to do that for a living with me living in the Midwest and most jobs being on the West Coast.
I'm sure I won't end up making Joe Eztherhaus or Shane Black jealous with any money I make if I ever sell anything but I can always dream. I've finished a first draft "script" but it has no cohesive story, no character development, little plot. It's just a bunch of gags and set pieces thrown together. Now, I'm studying with the help of a few pros to actually write a good screenplay. I'll keep you posted. I gotta run but just wanted you all to know I'm still around.
