Digital humans the art of the digital double
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# 1 17-11-2005 , 02:40 AM
ei8ht b8ll's Avatar
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Nov/Dec - norm - ei8ht b8ll

Ok guys. Im back again. I hope this time Ill be able to start and finish this. Substitute teaching isnt exactly reliable income so I work odds and ends jobs to pay my student loans off. Chirstmas time is always tough. Sucks but hey, gotta start somewhere.

What I'm going to do for this challenge is this little statue I got for Christmas 2 years ago. Its of a dragon sitting on top of a castle with a glass globe underneath him. THe glass globe lights up 3 different colors. Ill take pictures and send the pics of the statue tomorrow.. I already starting going hard at work with it so I can show you a few rendered pics now. I added some lights to add a lil effect.

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You shoulda just goudged his friggin eyeballs out. That woulda been funny!
# 2 17-11-2005 , 02:47 AM
ei8ht b8ll's Avatar
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just another look

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You shoulda just goudged his friggin eyeballs out. That woulda been funny!
# 3 18-11-2005 , 02:35 AM
ei8ht b8ll's Avatar
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Ok here are the original pics

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You shoulda just goudged his friggin eyeballs out. That woulda been funny!
# 4 18-11-2005 , 08:34 AM
t1ck135's Avatar
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cool, looks like the dragon could be quite complex user added image

good luck user added image

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# 5 25-11-2005 , 01:09 AM
ei8ht b8ll's Avatar
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hey guys heres an update

Ok guys.. been doing it slow but i wanna do it right.. here is an update. Im doing all geometry for the bricks and stones. The dragon im doing after the base. I started it but dont wanna keep going yet.

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You shoulda just goudged his friggin eyeballs out. That woulda been funny!
# 6 25-11-2005 , 01:15 AM
ei8ht b8ll's Avatar
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also here is a wireframe of the geometry

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You shoulda just goudged his friggin eyeballs out. That woulda been funny!
# 7 25-11-2005 , 02:13 AM
Daniel_Spinello's Avatar
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user added image

OMG..... Dude i cant wait 2 c it finished, its already pretty impresive. Good Luck with it.. user added image

# 8 25-11-2005 , 02:31 AM
ei8ht b8ll's Avatar
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thanks a lot. Im really gunna make it look really good when its all done. After I finish this piece.. i wanna add like all kinds of really cool lookin lava and maybe some really large clifs and rocks.. something you would see out of the lord of the rings. Something like that.

You shoulda just goudged his friggin eyeballs out. That woulda been funny!
# 9 25-11-2005 , 07:15 AM
Daniel_Spinello's Avatar
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user added image That would look MAD, and who no's, the lord of the rings guys might even buy it off ya.. keep up the good work.. user added image

PS. do u no anything about skeletons, i'm havin trouble binding skin 2 a model of mine user added image

# 10 25-11-2005 , 07:28 AM
ei8ht b8ll's Avatar
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yeah what you need to do is make your skeleton and then center it with your model.. then you just attach it.. after you attach it you need to paint weights on it. Its fairly simple. Is that what you need to do?

You shoulda just goudged his friggin eyeballs out. That woulda been funny!
# 11 25-11-2005 , 10:53 AM
THX1138's Avatar
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How about a wireframe on shaded pic?

# 12 25-11-2005 , 04:59 PM
ei8ht b8ll's Avatar
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not a problem user added image heres a shaded wireframe pic

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You shoulda just goudged his friggin eyeballs out. That woulda been funny!
# 13 25-11-2005 , 05:07 PM
ei8ht b8ll's Avatar
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now those posts on the green slected building.. they are lower poly and im thinking of redoing those however they look fine when they are rendered because i softened the normals and they look pretty good rendered. Doing Booleans is kinda tricky sometimes.

Also here is a closeup of the brick and stone geometry.. very simple but its starting to bog down the viewport.. no problems tho user added image I wanna keep it geometry.

Now when i get to the dragon part later though.. Im thinking that might even be like 100,000 and very possibly more faces in itself..

Lastly Im going to put hte rocks on the sides of the base and the tower.. however im also thinking of doing after i finished the base because it does sort of guide me where the dragon's positioning would stand.

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You shoulda just goudged his friggin eyeballs out. That woulda been funny!
# 14 19-12-2005 , 09:52 PM
sensensen's Avatar
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looks good already,:attn: :attn: :bow:

maya works
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