Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 16 29-12-2005 , 06:35 PM
happymat27's Avatar
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Nurbs scare me nearly as much as fitness and health sites!!

Your model is brilliant, how long did it take you to make? I look forward to seeing wires and close ups.

take it easy,


# 17 29-12-2005 , 06:43 PM
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Wow! Thank you Jay.

Why is everyone so stunned about the NURBS? (giggle)
NURBS are good! They are your friend!
(okay, so they take some getting used to and a few scripting do-dads and alot of cv moving by hand, etc.)
But..., you can impress your friends with your abilities to work with a type of geometry that hardly anyone uses anymore!

Actually, I would like to start doing high rez looking stuff in polys, but I tend to view polygons as it seems many people here view NURBS, with awe or fear. Not exactly sure why that is.
Perhaps I need therapy? user added image

# 18 29-12-2005 , 06:56 PM
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Hey Nurbs_Girl


Yeah I think fear is right.

Seriously, I think because of the way nurbs work technically its a little too fussy for alot of people, ya know rebuild surfaces etc, as thats intertwined with patch modelling which is good but a slow technique, needless to say PDI and Pixar have been known to use them, I know Puss in Boots from Shrek was nurbs as was probably the rest of the cast.

Myself I prefer a lo poly converted to SubDs then you get the organic feel of nurbs with the control and robustness of Polys and also the mapping is a little easier (for me anyhow) to get my head around.

But all the same its nice to have a breath of fresh air from somebody with a different approach. Theres another girl on here, Anita, who uses nurbs too, but she hasnt been around for a while. But saying that I dont think she was using Maya either. I think it was Rhino.

Anyway less rambling


# 19 29-12-2005 , 08:37 PM
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Excellent! Another gal who uses NURBS!
Never tried Rhino, but I recall hearing nice things about it.

Yeah, not too many folks use them anymore, but that is how/ what I learned, so it's just sort of stuck. I had been looking at Tippett Studio a while back, because I knew a few people who worked there and had been to a few of their parties. But I was warned that they only do sub-D's by a buddy who was master of the texturing dept there at the time (I think he was just trying to make his job easier quite frankly). user added image
So, I don't know what sort of future a NURBS modeler has anymore. Will just have to see what folks say when I hit them with a reel (not literally of course!).

I will try to come up some suitable wire/ cu for this thread tonight.

# 20 29-12-2005 , 08:39 PM
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Well as I said Pixar and PDI use them so dont dismay



# 21 29-12-2005 , 09:04 PM
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Emeryville or Redwood City?

Only visited the old Pixar location in Richmond.
Did get a chance to visit PDI during an open house at their new location in Redwood City though. Nice digs!

Dunno if the hubby would go for moving back down to CA.
I think he was pretty glad to escape from there.

# 22 29-12-2005 , 09:21 PM
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Tuh Some peopl are so fussy!! LOL


# 23 31-12-2005 , 06:24 AM
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Here's some wireframe stuff. Will post close ups after holiday fun is over. Cheers everyone! user added image

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# 24 04-01-2006 , 02:14 PM
great model... never seen such a model before with nurbs user added image

# 25 04-01-2006 , 02:37 PM
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Damn girl, you're really

Well Im very glad to see that we got a girl here at SM, actually I dont think I ever met one on CG related forums.

NURBS..oh yeah, its a nightmare, just cant add couple of tris!
I found NURBS great for hard surfce modeling, but for character, only polys since they are the simplier modeling method and more flexible than NURBS plus you dont have to plan every detail in further.

Anyway, great model and keep up the briliant work.

# 26 05-01-2006 , 10:50 PM
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Here are a few close ups for now. I will post more when I have more time.

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# 27 05-01-2006 , 10:51 PM
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# 28 05-01-2006 , 10:52 PM
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One more for now...

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# 29 06-01-2006 , 12:49 AM
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oooo my GOD please stop!
Just one question, how long did it take to model this guy?

# 30 06-01-2006 , 01:19 AM
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It took a while. A bit less than a year.
I began with my first human model (a very scary and unrealistic) female nude, and Ash was derived from that... All 2,274 separate NURBS surfaces. Most of which are in the chainsaw (yes I modeled the chain and teeth in that sucker- yikes!)
I used reference pictures for the chainsaw and double barrel shotgun.
As for Bruce Campbell, well I had to watch the Evil Dead films (especially the second one) alot, too much in fact. Also bought up his book "If Chins Could Kill," where there were some valuable images in there as well (a pretty funny book actually!) in which to work from. Unfortunately, all of those images were in black and white and rather tiny, so I would usually find myself referencing the films most of the time.
The pose that this model is in doesn't actually exist anywhere. I thought about the "look" or pose that I was going for and acted it out using a heavy toolbox and a broom, in order to see just what a body would do if held this postition with these similar objects. Yeah, I'll admit that sounds completely geeky, but hey it definitely revealed some interesting results!

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