Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
I've not had a look at the challenge forum for quite a while, However today i took a look and i jumped straight on to page 3 in this post,, My instant thought was Jeez this looks like Bjork, Infact it looks more like Bjork than Bjork does.. Its excellant
Pyrus - Thanks, man! I'm doing the best I can. Unfortunately,I didn't understand the problem with the lines that link her lips with her beautiful nose. Could you make some lines over a picture to me? I'm not so smart... :blush:
About the lips... well, seeing her singing, I see her mouth could look so normal as anyone's, and a moment later... stretch, and looks like the Joker's mouth. I problably will let the mouth this way, because is more expressive than a small mouth.
t1ck135: I hope I can correspond your expectations. I have many things to learn about lighting and redering in Maya yet. But let's lsee what will happen. I'll like to see Bjork in all her glory too.
pixiekiller - Thank you very much! I feel very happy when I read a comment such yours. If the challenge is about realism, so let's do it!
Pink is crossed , it shouldn't.
Green disappears inside nostril while it should bring this wonderfull profile curve from her nose
(checking the original references without pink and green will show it better as I covered the edges ... but now I think you see what I saw hehehhe)
It's the only point that really showed up hardly to me. Cause all the rest IS a good path for a master piece i think
Many thanks, Pyrus. I think I understood and solved the problem now. Here goes a slight update.
1. Mininal tweaks on face proportions;
2. Ears and neck improved;
3. Skin texture tweaked.
I think this woman will drive me crazy until the end of february. It's hard to see if I'm doing things right or wrong. She looks diferent in every single photo! Well, I'm posting more pictures of her, so if you guys see something strange in my model, please let me know.
I think now it's time to start working in Maya. I think I spend time enough in modeling for this while, and I'm a little affraid about lighting and rendering. So next step is go to Maya!
Some reference pictures. How can a person change so much from one picture to another?
Looks like you've got thing pretty well sorted! The thing that jumps out at me as being a bit off are the ears. They look a tad lumpy to me. I'm very curious to see how things will look rendered in Maya.
I agree with dave on the ear, it just needs a little work softening a couple of the ridges. Judging by one of the reference pictures (top right of the six) the back of the ear looks to go slightly further back towards the head.
The differences in the ref pics (in order) look like:
goth, young, photoshoot,
just woke up, getting older, hot
I cant really see anything else at this point - good work jramauri
Thank you very much for your help. I haven't fixed the ears yet, but I learned much things about rendering, lighting and how to make the transfer of details from ZBrush to Maya. And here are my first well succed renders in Maya. I'm not sure if the results are so good as they would be. But it's a good start, I think.
Anyway if time becomes a problem to me, I think I'll finish all the model inside ZBrush and let Maya for another opportunity.
The model lacks a specular map, and the eyes are provisory, I just took them from my set/oct challenge model.
Yeah, excellent work jramauri. These last couple of shots are getting very close. I agree with the others that the ears still need a bit of work, but aside from that, this is looking really great. Well done!
Aricshow: Man, I knew I've forgotten something! Just kiding. Thanks for your words.
So let's back to work. I vanished because I was studying a lot of things about lighting, rendering, shading, and how to use Maya Hair. I've choosen this still as reference:
But I wasn't sure if I would be able to reproduce the entire details on her hair, just sculpting and painting. Then I started to work with maya hair,but now I'm facing a big problem: How to make decent hair renders using Mental Ray? When I try to render user Final Gather Settings on Hair, the render seems that will take all eternity to complete. If I disable final gather fo hair I get this:
A terrible look. So I'd like to have your comments. What do you think? Model the hair or try to simulate? Does anybody here knows a good and fast way to make test renders on hair? Any helpful comment is welcome.
you should try to do the hair like in this tutorial.
You have more control over how it looks, it still looks good and renders out faster.
if you do do it that way, you can make the hair look like its being blown back, like with a fan.
Nemo hic adest illius nominis.
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