Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 91 19-01-2006 , 09:49 PM
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I thought Id show another reference image...They really do have Funky-shaped heads.. He actually has a pretty big ridge above his eye even though it looks flattened in the other pic..
Anyway this is a cool image too.. and u can see detail in the wrinkles and stuff more...looking at this it looks like his mouth might be a bit smaller.. and fuzzier ;p

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Last edited by mayafreak3; 19-01-2006 at 09:51 PM.
# 92 20-01-2006 , 04:25 PM
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dudewas that pic above real of ur model cos all ur other shots look soo real and this 1 is nice so if its real im barking at the wrong time but ur models looks exactly like it

if it is ur model i cant tell if it is fake

Now at SMU doing BSc 3D Computer Animation so its hard to get on here
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# 93 20-01-2006 , 11:15 PM
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Originally posted by mayafreak3
Thanks for all the comments and crits ppl.

Cali - ya I know some things are off proportionally.. I think the area about the eye is a bit too big.. but I have been working from more than one reference.. even though I posed it like the ref I posted.. I still need to get in and tweak some verts and prolly redo my z-brushing clean up and detail a bit more after that.

Well as long as you remember that not two raffs are the same, so if teh eye area is alittle two big, then its just another raff in the crowd user added image

Looks really nice .. I wish I had the same amount of time to do my own model user added image

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# 94 21-01-2006 , 04:30 PM
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This looks real. I'm serious. I cannot see ANY trace of 3D. It looks like a photo!

Good work!

# 95 21-01-2006 , 04:35 PM
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This last pic is a reference photo.. if anyone was confused about it sorry...I just posted it to show the ridge above the giraffes eyes and the shape of the head. user added image

# 96 21-01-2006 , 08:03 PM
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Added a light layer of bodyfur on a duplicated hidden giraffe object with the texture mapped to fur color. I also pushed and pulled some verts and altared the shape some. prolly too much fur.. but I kind of like the effect even tho its not perfect yet.

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Last edited by mayafreak3; 21-01-2006 at 08:08 PM.
# 97 21-01-2006 , 08:07 PM
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here is a reference pic: u can see they are kinda furry.. so I thought I'd try the light body fur layer.

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# 98 21-01-2006 , 08:09 PM
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The whiskery things are a little bit strange... I don't know how, though.

# 99 21-01-2006 , 11:44 PM
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it works well mayafreak3 though I'd try and make it denser and slightly shorter

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# 100 22-01-2006 , 02:05 PM
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wow how do u make that thing look even better, bit fuzzy atm but im sure u will sort that, only suggestion is the ears on your model look really silky and smooth, wereas if u look at that reference they are kinda matt and furry, although yours look better if u wont totally real u prolly need to change em a bit.

# 101 22-01-2006 , 07:29 PM
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looks great freak!

how did you do that hdri?

# 102 22-01-2006 , 07:56 PM
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Hey superfreak,

this giraffe just keeps getting better and better.

The new layer of fur really adds to the model. I agree with RupertFaraway, though. There is something not quite right about the whiskers. I think it's because you have them sprouting from both lips, when I think in your reference photo, they only come from the lower part of the mouth. There also looks like there is something blurry going on with the top lip, but I'm sure you are aware of that.

Excellent work. What are you going to do during February?user added image

# 103 22-01-2006 , 09:01 PM
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Oh- excellent excellent excellent! I love it!

But, i think, maybe turn down some of the specual on the new layer of fur-should fix your problem up

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# 104 03-02-2006 , 04:18 PM
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Hey all>> thanks for the comments, I haven't had much time to work on this because of school recently. The other morning I decided that some of my fur/texture probs were uv related so I went back into z-brush and remapped it using GUV tiles and then used the Z-app link to edit in photoshop. I haven't added back the displacement yet but I think I got rid of the uv stretching. This is my new texture map:

mc-fleury: the hdri is done with the IBL node.. the HDRI itself is one of an Island type setting near the coastline. This image is just a final gather with no hdri.. just to show the texture.

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# 105 03-02-2006 , 06:28 PM
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Welcome back mayafrea3, long time no see user added image

The texture looks good though it does seem a little blurred compared to the skin on the reference shots. Maybe a slight sharpening might help?

Looking forward to seeing all the bits on and rendered again!

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