Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
Two ways but the second is better. One way is to manually cut the edges and move them. The second is to export this baby as a .OBJ and open it in max. Then chamfer the edges.
uummm, I have version 3 or 4 of Max, so I take it it is not a far leap of imagination to thinkyou would advise loading it and learning it?
of course only as a support thing for Maya:blush:
i've only loaded it once for about a week. I got it in a store sale and thought it may come in handy one day
your killing it with the model tim, hope your not killing yourself doing tht much detail. One wonders if it for a portfolio maybe a bunch of smaller but as deatailed models?? ,with advanced lights and refractions (whatever they are) just a thought!? no doubt your a few jumps ahead.
Haha, I hope you did not take me wrong about starting over or redoing anything. It was more of a side note. This is probably one of the cases that a boolean is fine sense you will probably not going to get to close to most of the parts. There is a funny thing that happens when you are making a model like this. You have to know what you want out of it and it might be a great time to ask yourself now.
For an animation, how close do you want to get and to what part of the ship. You can do rough 3d animatics now and play with deferent ideas. The texture maps on a full render do not have to be much over 1K for large areas and 16 x 16 for the smaller areas. If you are going to get close, you nead much larger maps and will want to make sure you model so you can hide polys when they are not seen by the camera. If you are going to have a ship go into one of the bays, then you will have to model that one very high and maybe on a seperate file that you can seemlessly change from one model in the animation to the other. Mental ray really does not like much over one million polys with large textures. This is one of the types of models that you can model out until if will not render and give you nothing but headaches. I know I have done it. :headbang: I think you are doing a great job. I look forward to updates.:attn:
Looks very good, you've done great job on the detail. Incidently, are you modeling the docking bays on the underside with the same detail?, theres the larger one in the middle and a slightly smaller one ahead of that.
Also who was the agency for the recruiting? I have had similar...
Yes I am going to do the same amount of detail, but that's a fair while away I fear.
The agency was OPM Recruitment. I cycled to them on my bike in the snow to give them DVD so I was expecting a little more, had the same with Aardvark Swift. They didn't want to know as well.
Still, going to have a break from all this work and job worries over the weekend for my birthday. Anyone around Colchester this and next weekend fancy a drink then now's your chance.
"You can live for yourself today -- or help build tomorrow for everyone" _LIVID
LOL yep OPM and Aardvark did the same to me, I dont even contact them anymore. Though they contacted me recently OPM about working for Sony as a character modeler, but like you never heard after that.
there must be tough competition out there, this talk is making me feel very humble; sorry to hear you guys with such ability have been f..ed around like that. At least I know what I'm in for (maybe) one day. Maybe I should stick to film??
Man, if I was in England I'd definitely drop in if you'd have me. Happy birthday, mine was the 8th, another pisces. I think Tim, being pisces you were destined to a life of hard learning curves... I was/am.
some pretty good advice flowing in.., if anything, nothing has been wasted because of the quality of suggestions for post production planning and other topics...
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