Well, nothing too interesting now, but today the featurelist will grow.
Right now the featurelist includes:
Diffuse Shading
Point Lights
Area Lights
Soft Shadows
Just a note- if anyone wants to look and comment on my code w/e or just to use it in their own program, thats fine too. like I said, plz take the time to review my code if you can.
You can use this code for whatever you might want to do. Oh, except to sell it. Thats about it. But please, if you can c++ program, can you take a sec to look over it, tell me what I am doing right and what I am doing wrog?
Here's an image produced by it.

In the .zip file is a .exe (which is my raytracer), and some files called QuickCg. This is the codebase I use for putting colors on the screen.
Also, to use this, you need the Bloodshed Dev C++ compiler https://www.bloodshed.net/devcpp.html, which is free, and also you need the sdl library - www.libsdl.org.
Also, you need the SDL.dll file (which you can get from the libsdl website, which you need to put into your c:\windows\system32 files).
If you have a question or comment, you can either PM me or leave my a message at this thread. Also, you can request my Email, but, most likely, I wont give it to you :p