Trouble outputing an image sequence texture to a movie
I have attached to a polygonal plane a lambert shader with a .iff image sequence attached to its color and transparency attributes (there is an alpha channel layer with each image). I have no problems when I run a playblast the image sequence on the texture it works beautifully and also when I render an individual frame- everything looks as I would anticipate. However, when I run a batch render and try to output my scene into any sort of movie format (compressed or uncompressed) the resulting movie file doesn't display anything I'll I see is a series of black frames. This has got me completely baffled!
Does anyone out there have and solutions or suggestions to this problem?
p. s. I have imported my files onto a completely different computer and network (to make sure it wasn't my computer that was having the problems) I was met with the exact same results as with my own computer.