View Poll Results: Rate this walkcycle
Way to Go. Put it on the reel! 4 23.53%
Good Job...Room for improvement 12 70.59%
Okay...I've seen better...much better 1 5.88% should probably stop trying. 0 0%
Voters: 17. You may not vote on this poll

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# 1 17-06-2006 , 08:41 PM
tRAYcer's Avatar
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My 1st Animation - Alf walkcycle

Hi All,

This is my first shot at animation. I finally decided to turn to character animation instead of modeling. This is an atempt based off of examples in The Animator's Survival Kit. I'm curious what you think? Let me know good/bad, something to work on. I just want some feedback. Thanks to Mr. Motion for the best free character/rig out there!

It's on Google Video...follow this link !


Last edited by tRAYcer; 17-06-2006 at 08:43 PM.
# 2 17-06-2006 , 09:10 PM
pbman's Avatar
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hey man

its not bad he has a nice bounce in his step , however he is missing in the hips is the twist, its only slight but it will help make it more realistic

Now at SMU doing BSc 3D Computer Animation so its hard to get on here
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# 3 17-06-2006 , 09:13 PM
13th_resident's Avatar
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the footplanting is just right.

no more comments from me.

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# 4 17-06-2006 , 09:33 PM
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thats funny, I was listening to a song when watching it (Listening, by The Used) and he was kinda walking in time to the beat user added image

I like it, I personallly don't see anything wrong with it. And usually I am a harsh critic user added image


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# 5 18-06-2006 , 06:18 AM
arran's Avatar
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I liked it too, though I can definitely see what pbman is referring to in the hips. Definitely some twist needed.

# 6 19-06-2006 , 02:22 PM
Slake's Avatar
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quite excellent maybe...

coz' Im stil at the Modeling Stage (far enough from that stage).

# 7 19-06-2006 , 02:32 PM
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wow i really like your walk cycle. .I cant see anything wrong with it thing though how did you get it to show all three views all at once ?

# 8 19-06-2006 , 04:59 PM
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i agree with pbman about the twist in the hips, but i also think there needs to be just a little in the shoulder area as well (the rotation of hips and shoulders are just about inversely proportionate to each other).

to mmoore, he more than likely rendered all three views then composited them together in after effects. it takes all of 2 minutes to do (after waiting for the program to load up heh) and is easy to update if you change something and re-render.

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# 9 19-06-2006 , 06:30 PM
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The walk cycle is looking really good.

In addition to the previous comments about the hips and shoulders, I would suggest offsetting the motions a bit more. It looks like the arms and legs hit their extremes at the same time. If you delay the spine and arms a bit, it will add a great deal of life and flexibility to the walk.

Same thing with the up and down motion of the root. If you offset the root from the legs by a fraction of a beat, you'll get even more natural flexibility in the movement.

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# 10 20-06-2006 , 08:19 AM
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Hey All,

Thanks for all the responses! I think you're all right about the swing of the hips and shoulders. I need to give him a little more swagger. and I the hands do hit the extremes at the same time as the feet. I'll offset the keys a bit, and give him some tweaking. Another forum suggested I reduce the head bounce, and the arm swing. I'll put it all together and post the new video soon.

As for the three views. Batch render to tiff sequence with the alpha channel. Render each view 1-## at ##fps. make sure frame 1 and ##+1 are the same keys, this will ensure a smooth loop. Then, import each sequence into after effects, make sure they are numbered like so file###.tif drag all three into a composition, scale the different channels so they all fit right, and export!!! If you want a longer clip, save the composition, then import it into another composition a couple of times.

Thanks again for the comments, more are appreciated!


# 11 24-06-2006 , 09:13 AM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: San Jose, CA
Posts: 490
This looks pretty cool. I thought the walk cycle looked pretty good but I voted room for improvement. I was really itching to vote "quit trying" just to be a dick. lol The poll was funny.

Anyhow, I think it's pretty good, but for a demo reel, I think your character might be a bit distracting.

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