I'm really bad in rendering things. So I try Maxwell Render. The only thing you have to tell is how long the render will take ... and put the sun in the right direction. But I think with Global Illumination in Mental ray you can get the same result. The bad thing is that Maxwell take a lot of time to render a single picture. This one took 30 minutes and I use another software to put off the noise. Maxwell render have grainy result if you don't let it enough time.
But for the final pic, I will try to use Maya to learn how to render nice indoor shot. 
P.S : "global illumination mental ray" and you will find nice tutorials on google. I'll take a look later on them.
<< A French guy who have some problem in english but who have to live with >>
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Last edited by kiveun; 06-07-2006 at 10:00 AM.