I got:
supporting setting
Here is the current brain dump I've come up with tonight
To act in a secondary or subordinate role to (a leading performer).
bridge supports, building foundations, hands, space (vacuum), water, ocean, tree roots, chair, water tanks supports, gas tower, bridge, bungie rope, pilots seat, oil rig, tanker, tug, troops (behind a tank), military communication lines, pillar, vegetation, tree, legs, insects (worker ants, drone bees), horse
To become fixed; harden. See Synonyms at coagulate.
To become permanent.
scene, environment, area, picture, composition, sun,
button, control, computer-controlled
For some reason I keep getting the idea of an epic sweeping scene, something like the scene after the d-day landings in saving private ryan where you see all the support craft, vehicles and men who are bringing all the equipment onto land ready to support the next push onwards.
I'm playing with timescales at the minute too - it could be a medieval siege from a distance looking through the support tents etc, or maybe a futuristic scene where the second in command is overseeing the assembly of space ships ready for an attack the following day....
More ideas to come
