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# 91 21-07-2006 , 05:14 PM
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nice hand there Jay user added image

only crit I've got (and if you're moving onto other bits then it might be redundant) is that you would probably see the skin stretched more on the edge going between the thumb and forefinger and maybe it should have more definition where the muscle between there sits (as it looks a little webby but only subtly). Then again a woman's hand is more delicate and might not need to be as pronounced user added image

a good job so far and texture wise its looking great

Edit: just to make sure I wasn't seeing things completely wrong I showed my (very soon to be) wife and she said a similar thing without seeing my comments. In fact she probably gets fed up of me asking her to look at 3D stuff and give her opinion all the time user added image

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Last edited by t1ck135; 21-07-2006 at 05:23 PM.
# 92 21-07-2006 , 09:39 PM
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Hey Tick

Yeah no worries, I think its fine having looked at the model, its possibly the lighting making it look flat and burnt out, the spec setting is too high anyway, as I said just testing the final texture.

I do recall when I was showing the model of the hand being done, one of you guys mentioned it then and I corrected it.

All in good hands (pun not intended)

Anyway upwards and onwards

Cheers dude

# 93 21-07-2006 , 09:45 PM
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Just in case theres any doubts out there over my comments, heres a backlit GL job to you can see the silohuette...


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# 94 22-07-2006 , 12:59 AM
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rare is my questioning of your work because i never find anything i dont think you are already ahead of.., but why do the knuckles between the middle of the finger and the top of the finger (all of them, fingers that is) look too far apart? the bone between them looks too long (he says struggling to make himself understood user added image )

just woke up

user added image

but i want to say, man i am blown away by this hand, it looks like a near perfect 2D drawing, if yu know what i mean..?

it seems the main problem with WIP is that the perspective view can often distort the image and when it comes in as a flat 2D it looks a little out of shape, that is often the mix up.

one other thing i have been meaning to ask since my first post, did you do the little picture (I dont know what there are called) the one with our names and location next to our post. The maya insignia...

take it easy and life will be easy

Last edited by mirek03; 22-07-2006 at 01:05 AM.
# 95 22-07-2006 , 08:04 AM
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yep, its got more definition on that last pic, good stuff user added image

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# 96 22-07-2006 , 11:03 AM
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Hey Guys


knuckles are fine, again most likely the angle and lights blah blah.

Im not going back to the model now to tweak anything as it could open a can of worms unecessarily. The model IS good enough for its required purpose, the textures need to be finished and then the rigs need doing catch my drift. The next stop for this after the feet is a minor Zbrush pass on the jacket to get a nice bump map for the leather.

I think when something is modeled like this, details do cause havoc in different areas for different people, be it hands, ears, nose etc. We all have an idea what things should look like, and what to us is acceptable. We all have funny ideas...I know I do LOL

Will post an update later


# 97 22-07-2006 , 03:37 PM
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Hi jay -

Wow! - It's been a while since I stopped by your thread. Just had a good read through - sorry to hear about your head.

This is looking just great - that hand looks awesome. The only thing that I am not sure about are the wrinkles on the fingers. It just looks like there may be one or two too many or maybe they just seem a bit uniform. Of course, it's a matter of preference, but that was just something that stood out for me.

Cheers for all of the information - lots of helpful stuff. Looking forward to seeing her with the rest of her kit on.
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# 98 22-07-2006 , 04:29 PM
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Hi Arran

Thanks, my head is getting better, nice scar tissue there at the moment, its a bit hard, and feels very very weird, almost like someone is blowing on it constantly...bizarre sensation, thanks again

The wrinkles on the fingers are copied actually from my own LOL, I'll do a pic later if I remember, I have lovely hands LOLuser added image They were easy to do as I could just look down and copy away to my hearts content.

thanks, always glad if I can help out with info in areas of models and textures, sometimes you know what ya want but cant always find the right answer from a manual etc.


# 99 29-07-2006 , 11:43 AM
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hey Peeps

An Update!! God freelance work is taking up too much spare time at the moment and the heat here in the UK is not nice, its too sweaty, not like that nice U.S.A kind of heat or Spain where its a drier, so sitting here in the nude playing with my Wacom Pen!! LOL,

The leg on the left is being textured at the moment, it may not show up alot in the GL grab


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# 100 30-07-2006 , 12:24 AM
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Hot? Jeez. You want some cheese with that whine? Whenever the sun comes out you Brits go all limp, rosy cheeked and sweaty ...:bandit:

Lookin' sweet my brotha! Looks like you've got another epic thread going here. How are you liking ZB? Kinda rocks, doesn't it?Are you using it to texture this character?

Don't put that pen anywhere it wasn't made to go!

Your pal


# 101 30-07-2006 , 01:57 AM
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Whenever the sun comes out you Brits go all limp,

and they dont get more than their ankles wet at the beach either.

naked?? at least he does't have to look far to get the proportions for the,, err, feet correct

dont drop that wacom in the shower user added image.

take it easy and life will be easy
# 102 30-07-2006 , 08:01 AM
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Hey Guys, I'd rather the heat over the cheese!! but no Whining!!

British hot weather is crap to say the least, its a very sweaty heat, the heat in the US is muuuuch nicer and its hotter.

Dave: No not gotten round to textures in Z yet, though am looking at the Zapplink plugin to start doing some, at some point, love the Zbrush 'theory' , why cant other apps do something as fast with hi poly counts!!!

Mirek: LOL, I certainly wouldnt put my toes in British water, have you seen the lovely exhibits in our water, mmmm, yuk!!


# 103 30-07-2006 , 09:41 AM
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so, THATS the reason? never been there unfortunately, had a chance once but too many bombs going off in the rail stations. bad time. often in Bali the British looked a little scared of the water, but your comment makes sense of it
cheers lol user added image

man, i look at these models, you, kurt, ect and the only thing that keeps my chin up (beside the pure art of it) is the ten years youve put into it.

in your case, i think, considering you are modelling from your own hands, your wife and the things around you that here, in 3D, art imatates life in a very real way.

take it easy and life will be easy
# 104 30-07-2006 , 10:02 AM
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LOL yeah Brits on Holiday, just suck, theyr'e either too loud or just typical Brit in Union Jack or Bulldog Ts. I avoid British people when Im on vacation. If I wanted to be with them on holiday I'd stay in England. I try to blend in as much as possible with other countries' cultures and way of life when Im there. Being of blonde hair and Pale Face its a little more difficult in Africa and Spain though LOL, but I love those places.

Yep art does immitate life in more weird ways than one


# 105 30-07-2006 , 10:08 AM
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i know what you mean , in Bali my euopean friends used to introduce me as Czech beacuse the ozzys there have such a bad rep, not a pleasant one like the brits do but BAD
so even i used to say i was czech (and 1.8th gypsy true )lol

life imatating art lol

take it easy and life will be easy
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