Made the Nurbs Sphere, and in the video the guy is rapidly clicking on edges of it (in CV mode) and moving it about to shape it. When he clicks he seems to select a number of CV's, and a plane of faces appear on the side he is clicking on, and he moves it all slightly. However, when I do it I seem to only be able to select either one CV (which when you move it makes a horrible shape) or I have to drag a box around to select more, but this doesnt seem to let me move them in the way he does.
Sorry.. not really explaining this very well! Its like he manages to select a section of the sphere so it shapes naturally in a curve, but mine grabs the CV's in that area, which doesnt appear to be in the curve way he is doing it.
He stops at one point and says "I hope Im not going to fast for you.." lol, maybe I need to play more