Integrating 3D models with photography
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# 226 16-09-2006 , 05:34 PM
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Who's Jeff?


# 227 17-09-2006 , 01:12 AM
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Hahahahaa, sorry Jay!

It was late at night, and I am trying to get back into the routine for Uni after the holidays! I was staying up till about 4 in the morning and now I have to be out of bed at 06:30, so my brain's a little swiss cheesed at the moment!

# 228 17-09-2006 , 01:15 AM
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Lol i'm Jeff...

A great mod for Jedi academy

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# 229 18-09-2006 , 11:45 PM
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Done! Wow that was a while!

Just need to rig from head to toe, including facial expressions, I'm putting her away until December now which is when I'll be doing the rig. More characters to do, and vehicles....

Many thanks for all your comments along this part of the journey. I'll post up some renders of her during the week for you guys to muse over.

thanks again, speak again soon


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# 230 18-09-2006 , 11:49 PM
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wow just very impressive yet again ... cant wait to see other things ...cant wait for things to come ...


# 231 19-09-2006 , 12:54 AM
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impresive :attn: :bow: :bow: :bow:

brill work lookin forward to ur other work an this rigged

Now at SMU doing BSc 3D Computer Animation so its hard to get on here
My wire render tut
# 232 19-09-2006 , 02:58 AM
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Wow, what am I doing here? I'm still looking for some tuts on poly flow, and theres peeps turning this stuff out?!? I need to go talk to some people on my own level now. Hello wall...

I don't mean to be critical Jay, but is there an issue with the feet cutting through the boots there? How about sticking a quick render up?

# 233 19-09-2006 , 11:55 AM
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Thanks Guys

mmoore: yeah more to come very soon

PBman: I'll try and run thru the rig process as best possible once I get there.

Ritchie the Brit: Yeah I know about the feet. Its designed this way because when you have shoes on your feet are supported either side and all around, I have scenes for her with her boots off as well so the feet need to be relaxed for those, hence showing thru the boots. I said I'll do some renders during the week, so be patient, but I can assure during the test renders shes looking good

Cheers for now


# 234 19-09-2006 , 12:19 PM
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Nice planning, Jay, can't wait for the renders!

# 235 19-09-2006 , 01:28 PM
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how do you do it, i can't be bothered with photoshop and just do a 5 minute job and i'm back in maya complaining that the textures ruin it. and tips for keeping interested in photoshop?

I love maya
# 236 19-09-2006 , 01:47 PM
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Ritch: Cool

tadpole: LOL, well you just answered your own question, you cant be bothered. But bear in mind some people like to texture others prefer to animate, others just model. As for tips for PS, well, its not just knowing PS that will work magic, you have to study the world around you, and what makes things look the way they are. Just experiment with different things in it.


# 237 19-09-2006 , 05:40 PM
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lol - i thought they were holes in the shoes from all the wear an facing all those enemys

Now at SMU doing BSc 3D Computer Animation so its hard to get on here
My wire render tut
# 238 19-09-2006 , 07:05 PM
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Dude, she's hot...send me one?.. just dont tell my wife eh?..

Nah seriously..looking good bro..cant wait to see the renders

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# 239 19-09-2006 , 07:15 PM
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How in the hell did I miss this this???????

Jay, looks supreb!! Cant wait for the renders!!

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