Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 1 08-11-2006 , 07:35 AM
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defomation prob

Ok things are looking ok for the most part with my rig but there are some issues in the shoulder area as well as around the top of the thigh, bum and lower abdomen. I am new to rigging and was hopeing somebody might be able to take a look at what I have done so far and see if these probs are easily fixed or if they are not really an issue and will deform properly once influence objects and blend shapes are added. It may well be a case that it is fine as it stands and all the defomations will be ok as soon as I start adding the influence objects but I dont want to start on this unless I konw the weighting is ok.

If anyone could give any crits on this or has some time free to give the rig a look over it would be extremely helpfull.

Many thanks leon

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# 2 08-11-2006 , 08:27 AM
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this is probably a dumb question, but did you paint the skin weights?

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# 3 08-11-2006 , 11:18 PM
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In answer to your question joopson the weights have been painted. I have done some small tweaks and think everything is ok with my low res. The thing is I hoped to use this low poly object as a wrap deformer for my high res but nothing seems to be happening. I select the high res and then select the parts of my low res and select create wrap but after creating it nothing is deforming on the high res. The concept behind using a wrap deformer seemed to be a very good concept to use with my rig since I was wanting good muscle deformation without having to work on my high res. I though I could insted use the low res with influence objects and blend shapes but this is begining to look like a world of pain. If anyone knows about assigning wrap deformers or what might be going wrong there help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks leon

# 4 15-11-2006 , 04:14 PM
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Wrap deformers are good to use, no doubts there.

If your model has separate parts, then you'll need a separate wrap for each part. I think maya handles up to 13 wraps on one model on the last count if I remember.

It is also worth noting that you can also create blendshape correctors for odd defs such as armpits, elbows and knees ect. These are really worth doing if you want it right. Id avoid the influence objects though if you are doing BS's


# 5 18-11-2006 , 07:51 AM
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Does anyone know of any good tutorials for blend shapes and are they easy to set up and use.

Cheers Leon.

# 6 18-11-2006 , 01:21 PM
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For this type of work or just generally?


# 7 18-11-2006 , 02:17 PM
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It is for this type of work I would need a tutorial. The areas that need work on are the elbow, shoulder, pectoral region, knee and calf. I am just not to sure what is the best way to go as far geting things to maintain volume in these areas. I have been trying to use influence objects but the results have not been great. It is because of this I was looking into jays idea of using blend shapes but need a tutorial for setting them up with anatomical models. If anyone knows of any it would be much appreciated.

Cheers Leon

# 8 20-11-2006 , 03:18 AM
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i would think that for deformations such as these, creating blendshapes would work well, but in order to be able to utilize them, set driven keys would help... you create a blendshape for your leg in the 'entirely flexed knee' mode and then create a set driven key to allow the original mesh to deform to your 'entirely flexed knee' when the bone flexes to a certain degree. sadly i haven't worked with SDK (set driven key)s in a while, but (i have seen) people either use SDKs or flexors to control skeleton deformations when dealing with improper movement or reaction.

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# 9 20-11-2006 , 04:16 AM
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I will run through a small procedure later for you, its pretty straight forward


# 10 21-11-2006 , 12:34 AM
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use mike comet's plugin. you wont even need to worry about deformation order.

# 11 22-11-2006 , 05:24 PM
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I don't seem to be able to find this plugin. I have tried this site and several others but have had no luck. Anyone know of any links.

# 12 22-11-2006 , 11:38 PM
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# 13 23-11-2006 , 01:33 AM
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Wowsers, this is some plugin. Cheers for the link jay and thanks for letting me know about this vladimirjp.

:attn: :attn:

# 14 23-11-2006 , 01:36 AM
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I figured it would save me writing a ton of stuff for you to go through (lazy)


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