Introduction to Maya - Rendering in Arnold
This course will look at the fundamentals of rendering in Arnold. We'll go through the different light types available, cameras, shaders, Arnold's render settings and finally how to split an image into render passes (AOV's), before we then reassemble it i
# 1 08-12-2006 , 02:15 AM
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Maya 7 to 8

I'm thinking of taking the plunge and switching from Maya 7 to 8. Unfortunately, I've really grown comfortable with working in Maya 7, and have a number of semi/un-read books on version 7.

For anyone who has swapped over (or anyone who uses Maya 8), how different are the two in terms of working in them (tools etc.). Also, will any books on Maya 7 be any good for use with 8, or would they be useless?

Finally, should I change, or am I better sticking with what I've got?


# 2 08-12-2006 , 04:55 AM
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Hey there Naja,

If you're comfortable using Maya 7 you'll get used to Maya 8 in no time. There are a few differences in the menu systems and polygons are now referred to as mesh but overall the user experience is pretty much the same.

I would consider whether it's absolutely necessary for you to change before you took the plunge though as it's a costly upgrade. I would have stuck with Maya 7 if I had the choice but my university upgraded so, if I wanted to take my uni work home with me, I needed Maya 8 as you can't open newer version files on older versions of Maya.

If you're working on your own, I would stick with whichever version you have until you need to upgrade due to industry pressure.

Hope that helps a bit,


# 3 08-12-2006 , 01:30 PM
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OK, so there are not many imporvements (aka. It isn't worth rushing out for). Well if I don't really have to rush out, I'll probably stick with version 7, at least for a few months longer.

Actually, while I think of it, why would you have rather stayed with Maya 7, is Maya 8 worse in any way, or are you just talking about the cost?

Thanks (you probably saved me quite a bit).

Last edited by Naja; 08-12-2006 at 01:38 PM.
# 4 08-12-2006 , 02:13 PM
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You hit the nail on the head there Naja,

I'm a student and can't really afford to be upgrading my software on a regular basis, even at student rates Maya is expensive!!

Maya 8 is not worse than Maya 7 by any means, there are plenty of improvements, new tools, a new version of mentalray is included, it's 64bit compatable the list goes on but there are a few signs to say that it might have been rushed out to get Autodesks name on it.

For instance, on occasion, the help line at the bottom of the UI still points to Maya 7 menus to assist you, not very helpful really when the menu system has been re-vamped.

Take it easy,


# 5 08-12-2006 , 02:24 PM
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Thanks for that,

I must admit I got the impression that Autodesk rushed it out to get their name on it. Personally (with the little experience I have) I would have settled down and got used to everything before rushing out a new version of the software. I have no dount as to the competance of Autodesk - but it did come out a bit fast.

My other concern would be the System Requirements. If I can run Maya 7 no problems, how will my PC go dealign with Maya 8.

# 6 08-12-2006 , 04:42 PM
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If you can run Maya 7 then 8 will be the same. Personally I would not change. Why fork out the money to go to 8 when there are very little advantages or advances from 7 to 8.

Stay with 7, I have played with 8 and the menus got me and it has a bit of a max feel to it at first when creating geometry, until you change the settings that is. The menus are renamed and reampped to be different. I didn't like it I have used Maya 6/6.5 and 7 and I will be staying with 7.

Chris (formerly R@nSiD)
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# 7 08-12-2006 , 05:32 PM
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OK, well as long as the world isn't going to rush ahead of me if I don't change, I probably won't. I suppose I was just worried that most of the great plug-ins like Syflex and Shave and a Haircut, (which I haven't got yet) will rush ahead of me, and I won't get an opportunity to use them.

One last question, I'd be interested to know what people would choose. If you had the option of upgrading to 8 for free, would you stick with 7 or go to 8?

Thanks again, you've been really helpful.

Last edited by Naja; 08-12-2006 at 05:36 PM.
# 8 16-12-2006 , 08:14 AM
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Since there's nothing WORSE with version 8 than version 7, if it was free you should of course switch to 8. The only drawback is that some plugins for 7 doesn't work for 8.

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