Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 46 05-11-2006 , 02:33 PM
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I started 3d with maya and for the first few months I was a maya fanatic. However I was using PLE and I hated the fact of that every animation and in viewport there was that watermark...arrrghh. I ended up downloading the trial for max and learning it. Oh How I hated it. Nothing made sence, everything was backwards and abnormal at first. Then Going through the tutorials for a bit I started to learn max. I used it for sometime until i got the chance to use maya non PLE...I was thrilled, no shit.... for the first 5 minutes of using maya that is. Then everything seemed wrong, simple tasks made difficult... maya lasted 2 days in my hands... then i switched back to max and never looked back. MAX RULES.
Thou when it comes down to it, its preference and opinion. Both can achieve the same results.

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# 47 05-11-2006 , 06:22 PM
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Regardless of what you use, there will be problems. You seem to complain about difficulty... Of course it's difficult. You just need to practice. 2 days is nothing and you seem to be taking the easy way out. I respect your opinion, but you make it for the wrong reason. Decide by what suits you, not what looks easy.

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# 48 06-11-2006 , 11:33 PM
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i can honestly say i gave maya more the 2 days. I was using maya for months b4 switching to max. I have a good understanding of maya, how things are done and so on. As far as modeling goes, i can model the exact same object on both softwares. But in maya it takes me much longer. What really pained me on in maya, im talking about maya 6 here. Thats when I cut off... maybe stuff changed now... was the fact of it not having soft-selection, able to select loops and rings automatically with one click, wide range of snaps.. and allot off other usefull things like that. simple cleverness that made modeling that much easier, Sure max is easier, and thats the reason i stayed with it. Im not saying maya is more difficult, im saying maya is alot more unpractical.
Analogy here,... say i was putting a bunkbed together. There was a lot of screws I needed to fit in, now, i have a choice. Use my power drill or a screw driver? Both will get the job done perfectly. But one tool might take 30 minutes and the other 5 minutes. Y bother with the former?

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# 49 07-11-2006 , 06:30 AM
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No comment, honestly dont compare highly complex artistic software packages to screw drivers.

# 50 07-11-2006 , 09:10 PM
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Im bored so I feel like jumpin in again. Anyways you said that in maya 6, you cant select loops or edged. Hmmm i never used maya 6 but I use 7 and you can do all those things u listed that you cant do. I have those things in my custom toolbar. Thats why I like maya because of my toolbar. I hate the dorp down menus with my custom toolbar in maya, it makes it easy for me to seelct my tool.

Like everyone says, its preference because alot of ppl say that they can model faster in max then maya. Well i use maya for school and have taken 4 classes so im using max actually more then maya yet i model 5x faster in maya all cause of my toolbar, i dont have to ever search for anything just 1 click. Anyways lol its a pointless argument i mean everyone gon have a different opinion so just choose which makes you feel more comfortable. Personally if you like max, you should give xsi a try. Its kinda like a maxture of max and maya but its real nice

# 51 08-11-2006 , 01:51 AM
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hehe the same old question eh? user added image

well I'm learning Max now after using Maya for a while and its fairly straightforward. The tutorials show you things that seem easier in Max but its so long that I did any Maya beginner tutorials that you could probably do the same thing but just in a slightly different way.
I'm actually enjoying learning the Max interface, the only thing I still haven't fully grasped is the navigation controls as it is slightly different to Mayas.
The modifier stack is quite nice and works like effects layers in fireworks/photoshop but I dont presume that its greatly different to messing with the history nodes in Maya, just a little easier initially.

Overall I like them both, the only real difference so far is experience in doing things with shortcuts and very slightly different workflows.

Maya vs Max? As long as the end result is good it doesnt matter user added image

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# 52 04-12-2006 , 07:12 AM
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Originally posted by tweetytunes
I know alot of people are put off by mayas 8 "Max-like" poloygon modlering but just figured a way on how to turn that off. I`m now liking the few changes they have made. But heres hoping thats the last of the max like changes they make.

Aye, I'm really iffy about the click-and-drag to make a box thing, for example...

I like how if you create it "offset" from the center, Maya calculates where the center of the object is, and you can reset the translates to "0" to center it in the world, but I really don't like how it's considered to be at a scale of "1, 1, 1" no matter how you make it...even if you box looks like its "2, 5, 800"...!

# 53 19-12-2006 , 05:08 PM
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there has been soo many threads in forums about this all over the net. it really is the person who is using the programs and feels most comfortable with it. (im bored soo ill give you an example user added image, your question is like asking people which is better, coke or pepsi? coke fans will say coke and pepsi fans will say pepsi, people will say positive things about there drink and give negative feedback to the other, simply...)

well thats my say, back to you guys.. user added image


# 54 20-12-2006 , 08:05 AM
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3ds max rules! and yes I guess its actually ppl's preferences but y not diss each others software until someone starts to cry. Don't give us bullshit about... 'ppls preferences' cause we heard it all. Give reasons y maya or max is better. When it comes down to it. It the preferences yes, but where is the fun in just leaving it at that?

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# 55 20-12-2006 , 04:53 PM
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the problem with NOT 'leaving it at that' is that you run the risk of starting a flame war... and nobody wants that. the mods would shut the thread down faster than you could say '3ds max rules!' again. leave it alone.

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# 56 20-12-2006 , 05:04 PM
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Originally posted by NeoStrider
the problem with NOT 'leaving it at that' is that you run the risk of starting a flame war...

whats wrong with flame wars ?

max rules!!!@@@#
maya r0x0z
i love xsi

but LW sucks monkey balls!:p

# 57 20-12-2006 , 05:06 PM
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hahaha yea what was i thinking? flame on! user added image

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# 58 20-12-2006 , 06:01 PM
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Originally posted by NeoStrider
the problem with NOT 'leaving it at that' is that you run the risk of starting a flame war... and nobody wants that. the mods would shut the thread down faster than you could say '3ds max rules!' again. leave it alone.

you are totally right ...

# 59 21-12-2006 , 01:59 AM
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Originally posted by marlonjohn
you are totally right ...

Mate, this debate thread has been going on for since 3ds max was Dos. And you all know what? The Mods should probably already have closed this thread when they read the title. So for all sakes here, and all the flamers out there who hate maya or dislike max enough to flame it. Then Hell, bring it on. If i be the only one defending max here, I will. Maya sucks big time and is way bhind on alot of things. 3ds max will live on way past maya's life span in the future. If I were you I'd switch to max and ditch the past. Grasp the future...for it is in max. Thank you

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# 60 21-12-2006 , 05:06 AM
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if maya sucks big time then why are you here in "" instead of "" user added image well this is my last post in this thread, i cant be bothered wasting my time ...

fair well, marlon

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