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# 1 30-11-2002 , 03:21 PM
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all over the web only 3ds

am i missing something? when i search the web for free models the only thing i read is .3ds here .3ds there some .obj there. how come ppl only dare to produce 3ds files that are free? would they think somebody laugh at them to give away maya stuff for free??

are actually more ppl using max ???

oh sure i could use the 3ds import plugin, but i dont want it. i only want to learn one program, and that is maya. and if i am not very much mistaken, maya can do everything max can and more (if it comes to modeling, animating).

right, here on simplymaya i am likely to get biased responses. but anyway, why only 3ds spread all over the web? user added image

# 2 30-11-2002 , 03:32 PM
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Re: all over the web only 3ds

Originally posted by BabyDuck

right, here on simplymaya i am likely to get biased responses. but anyway, why only 3ds spread all over the web? user added image

yep you got it dead right...there are a lot more people using max then maya!! a lot more!

hense the millions of 3d max models / sites / tutorials etc...

but we hope to ad more soon, well saying that..why dont all you guys start sending in your models that you have made and if they are good quality I will ad them user added image

# 3 30-11-2002 , 03:42 PM
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that is the problem, i need to learn a lot til my models are good. and dont forget that i have maya for only roughly a month and it is the first 3d program i got. and unfortunately i did not go to school for getting drawing and/or 3d modeling skills.

and i did not talk about this site. this site here is great. it is based on maya. i am not sure about other sites for maya, this was my first try looking for a maya users site. and the fact that i never left to look for another one says a lot about the quality here.

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# 4 30-11-2002 , 03:45 PM
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we love you 2 babyduck user added image


# 5 30-11-2002 , 04:32 PM
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For quite a while, 3DS was a lot cheaper than Maya, so most of the smaller studios, which make up the majority, chose it as their software of choice.

Maya is starting to get more and more accepted, since the major price drop.

# 6 30-11-2002 , 06:09 PM
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yep, thats exactly the reason why companies start with 3Dsmax.. for example Blizzard entertainment... they started with a small studio and a few people.. budget was too low so they bought 3dsmax which was cheaper... and then they started to grow and Blizzard became a big name in the 3D industry... and people tend to know blizzard better and when they knew that blizzard was using 3dsmax they also started to use 3dmax and then it spreads spreads and spreads... but 3DSMax is nowhere near the powers of maya.... well that is the problem why many people dont buy Maya... the pocket slaughtering price... 6999$ for Maya 4 unlimited compared to 500$ for MAX..user added image

# 7 02-12-2002 , 11:20 PM
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The reason I moved over to Maya in the first place was because there are so many models for max on the net so i didn't have the incentive to learn to maodel because I could just download them

Not being able to download them means you have to make them yourself and improve your I think it is a good thing that there aren't many models

# 8 02-12-2002 , 11:39 PM
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tolerate, that is a good one. never looked at it from this side. maybe better to make up ideas about modeling something and not using a tut and all houses will look alike (like this cool [insert house tutorial] tut everybody has).

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# 9 03-12-2002 , 12:09 AM
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or the classic one

check out the joan of arc tutorial, like it is the only way to model a character

# 10 03-12-2002 , 01:52 AM
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joan of arc tutorial?

Where do I find it?

# 11 03-12-2002 , 01:58 AM
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# 12 03-12-2002 , 07:04 AM
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Thanks for the link I'll check the tut out user added image

# 13 06-12-2002 , 12:23 AM
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Originally posted by Tolerate
or the classic one

check out the joan of arc tutorial, like it is the only way to model a character

i think you did not want to happen, that somebody asks for it, you meant the opposite user added image

and garry, dont worry - it is everybodys turn to be made fun of sometimes. hope you dont mind some humor.

# 14 06-12-2002 , 02:33 AM
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If I used 3ds Max, I would find the tut interesting.

P.S. My skin is as thick as I am sometimes user added image

# 15 06-12-2002 , 06:20 PM
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3ds max tuts are hard to understand user added image
and obj can be imported into maya

try that if you havent already

- Simon

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