Creature/Character Statue!
Everyone can create a creature/character that they'd like to see made into their own little statue or figurine! It can be a character bust, it can be a full character model, whatever. It can be completely organic or it can be mechanical (a robot for example). The winning entry will have their model submitted to www.3darttopart.com to be made into the final figurine!
Some guidelines:
1) This is a modeling-only challenge! The statues that are created won't be painted or colored, so any texture information you have on the model won't be included in the final process.
2) MUST be polygons! The final process only works on polygonal models! However, there is no polygon limit, so you can smooth to your heart's content!
3) See https://www.3darttopart.com/modeling%20info.php for further information about how the models you create should be constructed.
4) For the purposes of this challenge, make your final result in one single statue, as opposed to multiple pieces.
5) The deadline is March 1st, 2007, approximately 7am Pacific time. Try to have it in before to make sure! A FINAL entries thread will be created toward the end of the challenge.
6) It must not be a copy-righted character! The fairy I did (see below) couldn't be too similar to Tinkerbell or else I couldn't have it done!
Because of the open-endedness of this theme, and because I'm the only judge (since I'm providing the prize as opposed to this site) I'll post a poll at the end of the challenge to allow people to vote for the finished entry they like the best and I'll factor that choice into my judgement. Note that the one that people all vote for may not be the one that wins!
It should be noted that 3Darttopart.com is not sponsoring this challenge at all. The winner will simply provide me an .obj file of their entry and I'll submit it to the site as if a normal customer. If the winner is located in a country that 3darttopart won't ship to, I'll ship the final item to myself and then mail it on to the winner.
To see an example that I did (and where the idea for this challenge prize came from) check out this thread: https://www.forum.simplymaya.com/show...threadid=24311 where I had a neat little figurine made for my fiancé as a birthday present!
If you have any questions, ask them here. Keep a look out for any addendums or additions to the guidelines as issues are brought up and answered.