Integrating 3D models with photography
Interested in integrating your 3D work with the real world? This might help
# 1 04-02-2007 , 05:03 AM
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i'm not sure if i'm posting this in the right category, but here goes;
The plan was to create a pirateship with in the distance a tropical island.
I think the pirateship is going the right way but the island isn't "real".
I've included the pirateship(in progress), the island and a picture of how i want it to look, so if anyone has any suggestions , they are most welcome

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# 2 04-02-2007 , 05:05 AM
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the island

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# 3 04-02-2007 , 05:06 AM
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and the way i want it to look

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# 4 04-02-2007 , 02:02 PM
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yu heading in the right direction, keep at it, what you want to do is not easy at the start because there are so many ways to approach it, have a think about your abilities and strengths and go from there, aim high but at the same time dont be put off if at first it doesn't look 'cool.' keep at it and keep asking, too busy now to say much more user added image

take it easy and life will be easy
# 5 05-02-2007 , 02:09 AM
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goodday mate user added image

thanks a lot for your moral supportuser added image

# 6 05-02-2007 , 06:55 AM
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user added image I'll be watching.

camera angle is not the same,

yours looks like night? the reference is day?

you don't 'need' soft bodies with such calm water, you could use nurbs and shaders and bump maps.., unless you want to animate it in which case you need to check out the help files for 'make boat, ' and 'magnitude,' and those things.., soft body stuff!

but, as I said, there are many ways!!

for the enviroment you might need to make a dome and map it,

lights will make or break this one (but whats new?'

take it easy and life will be easy

Last edited by mirek03; 05-02-2007 at 06:58 AM.
# 7 05-02-2007 , 10:47 PM
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Maniacal boy king of Babylon
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I don't want to make an exact replica of the photograph i just used this en some other photo's to get a feel of the thing i want to create.
i will adjust the camera-angle when i'm almost done and when i have imported the ship into the scene.
about the surroundings;
I've made a sphere deleted half of it en mapped a granite onto the incandessence to create the stars/night -sky (which i still need to tweak) .
did you mean by "mapping the dome", mapping the photograph to the dome because I want to model most of it en make less use of texturing.

Anyways thanks for helping me out thusfar.
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# 8 05-02-2007 , 11:58 PM
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have to run to work

I was trying to figure how you could achieve that feel. Obviously you were steps in front of me, I thought a dome would be useful rather than a change of environment colour or an image plane. I thought you might have to make up some stuff in PS and map that to the inside of the dome, of couse you could use the photo but I dont think you want to do that user added image

whats you plan?

take it easy and life will be easy
# 9 06-02-2007 , 12:31 AM
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i've attached a conceptrender below, this is the general way i want to go.
I'm still having doubts about going for the realistic or for the more fairytale look.
Maybe even a mixture between the two(realistic ship in fairytale environment.
I'm not sure on how to break the skyline

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# 10 06-02-2007 , 12:37 AM
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liking the nights sky.maybe a bit to purple for my liking but looking good.

very nice camera angle.What kind of fantasy would u go for with the island?Would it be scary of nice kind of thing?

Usually the island itself brings a charactar to the shot when its involved in fantasy.

# 11 06-02-2007 , 10:02 AM
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Its getting there, some paint effect trees might look good on the island.

P.S Watch you image sizes the max allowed is 640x480


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# 12 07-02-2007 , 05:49 PM
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Maniacal boy king of Babylon
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I'm going for a treasureisland kinda fantasy
to my best knowledge a nightsky would be purple-ish in color, but maybe you're right and it is to purple(i will look at this when i'm near the end of this little project)

And g-ster; if you look very carefully you will see a paintfx tree on the island
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