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# 1 12-03-2007 , 03:59 AM
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Rendering? How do I get a clean clear untextured render?

How do I get create a render that looks like this?

user added image

or this...

user added image

or this...

user added image

Most of my renders look like this...

user added image

I would like to get the clean bright white look. Is it possible without setting up a complicated number of lights and material layers? I'd prefer to concentrate on the modelling as the renders will appear in a game engine so the maya renders are just previews.

# 2 12-03-2007 , 04:30 AM
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Have a look in the Challenge forum, arrans entry, as in there theres a discussion on creating these renders (what your looking for is called ambiant occlusion renders).

Not too sure what page it is so you might have to go through the thread, theres a few ways to get the render tol ook like that.

Hope it helps

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 3 12-03-2007 , 05:57 AM
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Originally posted by gster123
Have a look in the Challenge forum, arrans entry, as in there theres a discussion on creating these renders (what your looking for is called ambiant occlusion renders).

Thanks! :attn: After a bit of searching and and admiring the quality of the renders in the challenge forum I found the details you meant.

Details start about 1 third down the page-->

# 4 12-03-2007 , 12:37 PM
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:headbang: After trying both methods suggested and getting to the stage where I felt like banging my head against my keyboard I stopped. 2+ hours wasted.

Can somebody give a clear concise guide to setting up Occlusion renders please? Preferably with pictures on what to click and where.

# 5 12-03-2007 , 01:13 PM
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hey chuffy - what exactly are you having problems with? Did you try increasing the max distance? Also what version of maya are you using?

# 6 12-03-2007 , 02:37 PM
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Using version 8.0 and the max distance thing, no I didn't. But then I even without altering that it would have changed the appearance a little wouldn't it?

Maya's in-built help isn't that great. I'll have a look through the mountain of Maya books I own including the 2 by the Maya mountain himself :bow:

If someone could show a step by step > Create a simply Poly sphere > apply whatever is necessary for the Occlusion layer > Show the render setting > Result. I'd greatly appreciate it.

It seems a little odd that Maya's standard preview render is so dark as to be practically useless. For me anyway user added image

I'll stick to poly modeling for now. As I said before rendering my work in Maya is pretty much irrelevant, just nice to show my crew what I'm working on.

# 7 12-03-2007 , 05:20 PM
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I don't read the help files as much as I should, but I still think they are pretty good.

I'm at work so I can't post any pictures, but that shouldn't be a problem.

Ok, first open up your hypershade and create a new lambert material - windows>rendering editors>hypershade. Now select all of your objects in your scene, back click on the lambert and pick assign material to selection. Now back click on your model, scroll down to materials and pick material attributes. there are two tabs at the top. select the one that says lambert_SG. open up the mental ray tab and under custom shaders click the map button next to the material shader. Another window will open up. select the mental ray tab at the top and scroll down to the textures section and pick mib_amb-occlusion. the attribute editor for the mib_amb_occlusion will open up. Try increasing the samples to something like 256. You may also need to increase the max distance, though some people told me that you don't need to touch this, though I couldn't get it to work until I made this number relative to the size of my scene.

Ok, last you need to select mental ray as your renderer. Just open up the render settings window (it's the button to the right of the IPR button at the top) and select mental ray. Now try rendering.

as easy as.... x y z. user added image

Last edited by arran; 12-03-2007 at 10:47 PM.
# 8 12-03-2007 , 10:00 PM
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Spot on Arran

One thing to remember is that ifthe render somes out "blotchey" then increase the number of samples in the ambient occlusion node that you created.

The standard preview render, I think is not really for doing much, it only contains the standard default light and the lambert shader, its more for when you strat to add textures and lights so that you can see whats what so to speak.

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 9 21-03-2007 , 08:48 PM
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Only just now got time from my 2 other jobs to actually switch on my computer and try out the render method...

user added image

... and it worked! Cheers! user added image

easy as A > B > C > Edit B > Change the attributes of C > change the value of A to Q > etc > etc user added image

# 10 21-03-2007 , 11:12 PM
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ha ha - glad it helped mate - well done. user added image

# 11 22-03-2007 , 06:08 AM
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Cheers man! Glad I could be of help!

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
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