Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 31 21-05-2007 , 12:46 PM
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Cheers guys

Well Ive dived into Zbrush and started defining the shape, not too happy with the chin at the mo, need to give it a proper look into with the ref that i've gathered.

Ive got to say that Zbrush 3 is superb, really easy to get to grips with and great to use, the tweek brush is awesome!

as alwasy C&C's appreciated.

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"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 32 21-05-2007 , 01:58 PM
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lookin good m8. I would agree with the chin comment you made. Its very pointy in the front shot, but the side and 45o angle looks ok

And one more thing, if this is going to be Bruce Willis, he has a thinner and slightly longer face (if you get it from the ref above). I supposed its when the shot of the actor was taken, as his face shape changes from shoot to shoot as he has to gain and loose weight for each part taken.

Chris (formerly R@nSiD)
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Last edited by R@nSiD; 21-05-2007 at 02:03 PM.
# 33 21-05-2007 , 02:07 PM
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Cheers mate,

Thats the hard part, getting him looking like him but not setting in stone his age range! I'm not too sure what age i'm going to have him, probably in his Die hard with a vengance, or maybe as Hartigan from Sin City, i'm still at the defining stage, looking at refs ang getting his overall apperance before going into the details

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 34 21-05-2007 , 02:31 PM
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Someone is enjoying themselves!! LOL

Nice going Steve, you know what you gotta do, the crits already there. Take your time though, you can really make this 'pop' in Z3.

That tweak tool is like pushing your finger thru washing up liquid isnt it...a vast improvement over the move tool of before. Check out the Rapid UI and the preset brushes, theres some serious stuff in there, Ram brush is awsome!! LOL

Theres a challenge link over at CGsociety with some nice results, somebody did Bruce Willis as John Mclane, the only down side was the hair looked too young on an older Willis face. It looked better as WiP without it. Check it out. The winner was a Maximus Decimus Meridius, real nice!! Oh that model of mine is 28k at level 3 by the way, just right for good facial features (for me) the rest will be in the maps!!


# 35 21-05-2007 , 02:43 PM
nice work i only seen this page and from the top image i thought it was bruce and after reading the others i was correct good work

# 36 21-05-2007 , 03:11 PM
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Cheers Guys

Yeah Jay I checked out that thread but I was only realy following a Gandalf model that was looking great, unfortunatly the guy dropped out, the Maximus one, jeezzz man, the final render I thought was a ref pic on first my first glimpse, had to have a second look to make sure!

I'm now humming and arring about what age range/film to go for, I might go for the John Mclane in Dire hard 3, just because I like that film the best out of the three! So off to gather some ref's for that me thinks unless I think of something better.

I'm going to take my time over it as other wise it might "pop" in the wrong direction, ive got to say its a great learning curve trying to model an actual person as youve got to get it right as people see right away what's wrong. I think that I'll probably go to the really high levels (the HD Sculpting) to model the skin pores etc when my understanding gets there using the online help/tutorials for Z3

I keep loading the free head and playing with the different tools and settings to get a good feel of the tool's, ive got to say that everything seems improved, the way it moves how the brushes work etc etc over Zbrush 2, I never reslly felt at ease with Z2 but this is completly different!

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 37 21-05-2007 , 08:31 PM
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Yeah I know what you mean about not being at ease with Z2, I was exactly the same.

Age wise I'd do the 4th one thats on its way, might be easier for refs.

back to my character for a bit now..


# 38 22-05-2007 , 10:19 AM
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Cheers for the thoughts Jay, think I'm going to go with the Die hard 3 age (as ive got the DVD thats got plenty of ref)

Well, bit of an update that I did on my coffee break (meant to be 20 mins ended up being 1hr!

Ive not raised the poly's yet as theres no need to at the mo, still getting the overall shape in there, still plenty to do!

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"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 39 22-05-2007 , 12:26 PM
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Steve, nice going, you can see its Bruce Willis coming thru there.

Dont you just love coffee breaks that last that long, we have those full time LOL


# 40 22-05-2007 , 12:41 PM
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Looking sweet Steve, how different is Z3 to Z2? I just couldn't get to grips with Z2, don't get me wrong I could distort all my meshes to look like Freddy Krugers uglier brother but that was my limit.

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# 41 22-05-2007 , 02:26 PM
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Cheers Jay and J5ive

I'm glad you can see thats its looking like him!

J5ive - I cant really put my finger on why it seems better, it just moves and feels better if you know what I mean. One of the things that I found when I was starting with Z2 is its best off to make a larger sculpt in the mesh than you really want, eg if your doing the cheak area use a low z intensity with a slightly larger brush than you need, go over the area to pull is out and get some definition then go back using a subtract brush to define the areas, you can then use the smooth and ease the diferences together to get the desired look, i'm sure that when I get used to the settings I'll be able to go in with larger Z intensitys and get a faster result but I'm still in the learning stage of it.

Once the major areas are done then its off to lowering the brush size and adding more defined areas.

The "tweek" brush is great for pushing and pulling the geo about to get it to fit your refs, say ears, nose, chin etc.

I should also say for anyone using Zbrush 3 that if youve got multi threads or dual core etc, turn on multi threading for modeling and texturing, I got a 45% increase in performance by switching it on (as it has a little tool that tells you the performance increase)

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle

Last edited by gster123; 22-05-2007 at 03:29 PM.
# 42 22-05-2007 , 03:54 PM
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have to agree the Jay there, its really coming together now. Esp around the mouth area. Bruce is certainly in there.

Chris (formerly R@nSiD)
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# 43 01-06-2007 , 06:29 AM
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Bit of an update.

Any crits/comments appreciated as usual.



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"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 44 01-06-2007 , 07:28 AM
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Just had two colleagues from work, who have not seen this post or any previous pictures from it, and asked them who the head was...

they said Bruce Willis.

Well done m8.

Chris (formerly R@nSiD)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will truely know peace - Jimmy Hendrix
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# 45 01-06-2007 , 08:15 AM
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yeah - you've definitely got a good likeness. something about the lower half of the face looks a little narrow though - it's wierd cos he does have narrow features, but i think maybe the outer edge of his jaw, where it hinges, needs to be widened. i might be wrong though... :p

good job mate.

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