Eyes will not stick with head when head is moved??
I have managed to create a head and eyes for a character which I smooth bind by selecting both eyes and head and then apply smooth bind.
I have drawn circles to which the eyes are aim constraint with the circle. eyes_aimconstraint
It works great, the eyes follow the circle.
I draw another circle and orient constraint the head so that it can tilt forward and backwards. tilt_head_orientconstraint
Now when I tilt the head, the eyes go out of the socket and does not follow the head.
I decide to draw another 2 circle for the eyes just for positioning and point constraint the circles to the eyes and make it a child of the tilt_head_orientconstraint.
It almost works, but it still goes out of the head.
What is the correct approach to this? I have watched tutorials and all they teach is how to make the eyes follow the circle constraint.