Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 76 05-07-2007 , 01:29 PM
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Cheers t1ck135! I've actually been considering bailing out on the idea of 4 arms. The more I think it out, the more 4 arms doesn't make sense. Not just in muscle structure but skeletal structure as well. 4 arms look cool but wouldn't be structurally sound.

Anyway, you're right about the knees. I havn't done much to the legs yet, but about to. There's still an ngon right above the knee I have to deal with too (and a couple near the crotch/naval). Trying to decide how many toes to give it.

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Last edited by Perfecto; 05-07-2007 at 01:35 PM.
# 77 05-07-2007 , 01:32 PM
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Updated wire

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# 78 05-07-2007 , 02:00 PM
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Close up of hand. Had to model it twice. After the first time, my computer crashed (from too much history I think). Man that burns me up. I wasn't saving my work as often as I should have. Not the greatest looking hand but I'm learning.

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# 79 05-07-2007 , 07:14 PM
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IÕm doing my second hand right now (first hand that IÕm texturing), and theyÕre mad hard.

# 80 05-07-2007 , 09:13 PM
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hands are my favouryte part of human body :blush: quite difficult to do but if you try you'll get it.
when you have finished modeling man hands then try to model woman hands...

# 81 06-07-2007 , 07:54 AM
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Wings. I could use some feedback on the shape. I'm using the dragon tutorial from Tutorialscentral and a Malcolm TG Reel I came across as references.

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# 82 06-07-2007 , 08:01 AM
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Thats one hell of an alien Ninja dude! Beautiful work

Yay, not a freshman anymore!
# 83 06-07-2007 , 08:22 AM
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Thanks kinddoggofwar! I'm glad you're liking it. I'm hoping it turns out to be a decent model when I finish it.

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# 84 06-07-2007 , 01:59 PM
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Nice going man, likine the wings, think I would make them less symmetrical with regards to the little rips in them, just to add a bit of character to him.

How are you going to ninja him up?

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# 85 06-07-2007 , 06:17 PM
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Thanks gster123, I'll finish the wings then and some character to them (or at least attempt to).

To make him into a ninja, I'm going to start by giving him two toes since ninja's have that two toe thing going on. Then I'm going to give him kind of a shoulder strap (goes diag across chest) to hold a few shuriken (don't ask me how they stay in, just seen pics on the web). He will be holding two katana's, an have black pants with some wrist and shin guards. I'm also going to give him one or two arm bands. I'm still not sure about the face. I don't want to cover his whole face and hide the work that I've done (although I don't mind) and I've thought of giving him the eye cover like TMNT. His skin will be dark so I think I can get away with him not wearing the top black shirt (I guess its all one piece though, a ghi)

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# 86 07-07-2007 , 01:43 AM
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yeah! Nice work perfecto - this is looking very cool - i really like the wings - and I think once you have added all of the shuriken stars and katanas, this will look pretty evil! user added image

i must admit i think it's a shame that you're not sticking to the four arms design - with a weapon in each hand and him flying through the air like in your concept - that would have looked really cool! I'm sure you could make the anatomy work - after all the wings are just another set of hands as well.

either way this is shaping up nicely! user added image

# 87 07-07-2007 , 02:14 AM
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The wings look awsome to me, no crit from me. user added image

# 88 07-07-2007 , 02:26 AM
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wow nice progress! Keep it up!

# 89 07-07-2007 , 02:44 AM
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you could always slap some arms on between the current arms and wing attachments further down the back - that could give you an interesting effect user added image


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# 90 07-07-2007 , 03:44 AM
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