Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 106 11-07-2007 , 12:26 AM
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Thanks Rhetoric Camel! I just read your previous reply as well...too funny. Time to goto bed now as it's way past my bedtime. Watched a few movies with the family, Stranger than Fiction (which was indeed strange), Happy Feet (impressive water fx), and Transmorphers (waste of money). Transmorphers was definitely one of the lamest movies I've ever seen. Very amateurish.

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# 107 12-07-2007 , 08:40 AM
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Hey Perfecto, I'm really liking the four arms. It's a keeper in my humble oppinion. Play with the second sets position and see if you can make it rock even more. Both in Y-axis and Z if that's your depth. Now, by doing so does not necessarily mean it will look better. I'm just thinking play it up and hope for happy accidents haha. I do think the positioning of the lower arms fights with the natural focal point of the face a tad.

It's probably on your todo list already, but you have a golden opportunity to add some asymmetries to the lower arms. I think it will create more visual interest, and look a little less duplicated.

Keep up the great work maestro.

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# 108 12-07-2007 , 01:18 PM
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did such a good job adding the second set of arms you should try for 4 more arms!!!! just kidding

sorry to get off topic a little but I think you started using maya after me, I didn't start until about November of last year, and started actually trying to make things in like December, and I definitely think you've exceeded my skill level quite a bit. Keep it up!

# 109 13-07-2007 , 07:17 AM
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One thing with the 4 arms you might consider is adding a second set of pectorals, too. not necessarily as large as the primary set, but just so they look like they could anatomically function properly.

Looking good!

# 110 13-07-2007 , 07:25 AM
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AlphaFlyte: Thanks man! I'll try my hardest to add some good asymmetries to the arms and wings as well as play around with the positioning.

Rhetoric Camel: Thanks for the compliments dude! Yeah I started Maya at the beginning of March, this year. I've had alot of great input from people like you which has really helped me out tremendously. Hmmm, 8 arms? Perhaps I'll create Octopus man next, hehe. Just the thought of modeling 8 arms hurts my head, lol.

Everyone: I think I finished modeling everything a couple of days ago and will spend this week doing tweaking. I'll post an update at the end of the week. But, I'll still keep checking everyone's progress as I find that fun and informative.

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# 111 13-07-2007 , 07:28 AM
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Thanks mtmckinley,

Just when I thought I was done with the modeling, hehe. That's a excellent suggestion though. I'll give it a try.

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# 112 18-07-2007 , 05:35 PM
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Sorry everyone, I havn't been able do anything with Maya last week. I should be able to do some more work on the ninja sometime in the next 2 or 3 days. Because of the lost time, I'm planning on using nCloth for the pants instead of modeling the pants and all the wrinkles. I want to learn nCloth anyway so this is a good enough time as any to learn.

Instead of making a copy of the legs to use as the base mesh of the cloth I'm going to stitch my own clothes.

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# 113 18-07-2007 , 08:45 PM
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It looks awesome man especially for someone who's doing maya/3d for such a short time
I think if you added some transparency to the wings in which you can see the veins (you know when you hold a leaf against the light), maybe an alpha map or something like that, it looks great man keep it upuser added image

# 114 18-07-2007 , 10:33 PM
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Thanks mastone,
I like your idea and will do my best to make the most of it.

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# 115 23-07-2007 , 07:18 AM
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I know this is going to be dissappointing but I've decided not to do any texturing on my model. Since this is a modeling comp and not texturing, I've decided to pull back the reigns some. To stay on track with my goals as a Maya artist, I'm going to keep my focus on modeling since that's what I want to specialize in. I just don't want to get too caught up in other things.

For example, if I wanted to specialize in texturing, I wouldn't want to spend a bunch of time having to sculpt model after model just to get some texturing practice in. I'd rather find free models or other peoples models to texture. That way I could spend lots and lots of time focused on texturing. I hope this makes sense.

If anyone wants to texture my character after the comp, just let me know and I'll send you the file.

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# 116 23-07-2007 , 07:29 AM
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See what you mean man, If I was you I would model this for the comp then take it as another project to texture it (kinda leave it on the side for a bit whilst you get used to it) Ive got to say that if you do some texturing on a model then you will model better as you'll consider it when constructing your models

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# 117 23-07-2007 , 07:31 AM
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I for one think thats a great idea - The model is looking great but spending time in one area is the right move - but plz leave some room for some rigging (even if basic) as a posed version of this model will kick ass.

great work - was worried after the slow start and the wavering not to have the four arms, but this has become my personal fav at this time well done. Sorry for the lack of comments earlier on but as you know been stressed to hell the last few weeks.

# 118 23-07-2007 , 09:38 AM
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do you plan on doing any rigging to get it out of this pose and into a ninja type pose? if you're not going to texture I would at least suggest this.

# 119 24-07-2007 , 06:11 AM
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thanks, gster123, tweetytunes, Rhetoric Camel

I will do a simple rig to pose him for the final.

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# 120 27-07-2007 , 12:17 AM
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hey perfecto - this is looking really nice. Definitely looking forward to seeing him rigged - what sort of pose are you going to go for?

also - any plans for some weapons for his lower set of arms?

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