vinetest.mb (79.0 KB, 653 views)
Israel "Izzy" Long
Motion and Title Design for Broadcast-Film-DS
, 12:36 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Minnesota, USA
Ok, HERE IS A SAMPLE VIDEO if the above test file I made for ya
(Quicktime H264 encoded .mp4)
Israel "Izzy" Long
Motion and Title Design for Broadcast-Film-DS
, 02:15 PM
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: Hastings UK
Wow thanks for the assist, I have now got it looking perfect. Did'nt realise you could set keys for those attributes.
Many thanks,
Leon Labyk
, 03:07 PM
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Location: Minnesota, USA
No problem
Yep, for everything in the channel box, you can keyframe it or apply an expression to it.
If you check my sample project, I only keyed like 4 or 5 attributes to get it like that.
....if you do more on a larger scale, and maybe even more than one PFX brush type, I think you would be able to make something super sweet
Good luck!
Israel "Izzy" Long
Motion and Title Design for Broadcast-Film-DS
, 10:59 PM
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: Hastings UK
Ok I have created the vine growing out and into a hand but have a problem. They want the vine that grows out to be more like the one in the image and I dont seem to be able to get it to look like this. They want to have a few vines intertwined with each other that will grow along the curve and then go under ground. I think the best way to create the forearm leading into the hand will be as a poly object that I hope to make the vines grow into and wrap around the begining of so the whole thing looks like one piece. This will then burst out of the ground to grab a character in its complete form and not grow out. The hand/forearm will be tree like and have a subtle resemlance to that of a humans. Does anyone know where I may be able to download pfx brushes for maya that may get the look I need since I have tried mixing brushes but to no avail. Once the shot is complete there is one other thing I would like to do but am not sure how to go about it. I am going to rig the hand so it will grab the character and hold them but I wan't to have it move up into the air and have the vine pull up out of the ground and have a mud/dirt effect that will fall off it. The vine will be attached to a few curves intertwined with each other so will this work if I just select the control verticies for the curves that are under the ground and set keys to have it rise up from the soil.
Sorry about the lenghty question, any advice and help on this is much appreciated.
, 12:39 AM
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Location: Hastings UK
I am wondering if I can do this without modeling and rigging the hand after all. I have attached a screen grab of the curves. Does anyone know a way I can animate the curves at the end so they move like fingers though. I was thinking I could create each curve as a nurbs cylinder instead and then duplicate a surface curve on each one to attach my pfx to. I have never tried to do rigging with a nurbs object though and is it the same as using polys. If this can be done please let me know since it will make things a lot easier.
, 04:51 AM
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Location: Minnesota, USA
Wow, ok I hate to say this, I really don't think this is a job for PaintFX, but rather SplineIK.
PaintFX will just keep flipping around in a jerky manner on you if you move the curves too much, or twist them back over themselves too much.
For the specific type of shot your going for, you might be better off modeling a long "branch" with bumps and small branches, bark and dirt textures etc. then check the help on how to hook up a splineIK rig to it.
I've never done it myself, but I've seen character riggers at my job do it, and they get great results in a short amount of time.
So, instead of going for a "hand", you might want to think of it as creating a few "tentacles".
Lemm know if that helps you or not
Israel "Izzy" Long
Motion and Title Design for Broadcast-Film-DS
, 06:59 AM
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: Hastings UK
Thanks for your thoughts on this racecgi much appreciated. I have created the vines as nurbs surfaces which I have then converted to polys and attached to my skeleton. I will tweak the poly objects in zrush and try and add a crusty wooden feal to them with twigs and what not hanging from them. My only problem is I am trying to work out how I can go about making it look like these vines are growing. I could cheat and keep trying to get a pfx brush I can attach to the curves on the nurbs objects. Then have my poly hand burst out at the end, the hand will have to be identical to the pfx brush though. I would then have to add another shot so when I cut back to have the hand rise up from the soil bringing up the vines that went down it will all be the polygon version since I think making the pfx go seemlesly into the polys will be to tricky.
Or is there a way I can make my poly object look like it is growing in the same way.
If anyone has any thoughs on how I can get a good final result please let me know.
Many thanks,
, 10:01 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2007
If you have money to spare and you need complete control and growth control with the vine animation, you could buy X-frog plugin for Maya. Couple of problems with the software though, virtually no customer support and it's only available for Maya 8.0. Also available for Cinema 4d.
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