How can I get realistic shadows by using GIF-pictures as textures?
I've got a big problem while rendering a little animation in maya..
I've created a lot of NURBS planes and gave them GIF-pictures (*.gif) as textures.. the reason I've chosen GIF-pictures is that I wanted to have no background behind my little 2D-buddies (see link).. it all worked really well, but when you have a look at the shadows, you can still see a bit of the corners of the imageplanes.. I used raytracing shadows and raytracing to avoid this, but it's still not perfect..
please have a look at the following link:
I really hope you can help me, because this project has to be finished tomorrow and there are approximately 5 hours of rendering waiting for me..
Last edited by xxidontknowxx; 31-03-2008 at 11:01 PM.