Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
yay i can see them for once! (stupid tech support caused the network to come to a screeching halt yesterday and every time they fix a problem like that you can go to the 'blocked' sites for a few days - youtybe, imageshack, photobucket, myspace, etc.)
anyway, they look pretty good, although with katie uhh cruise i'd have gone with a different hairdo, since she's been showing up in recent press photos with that cropped 'over one eye' top... just a thought. sly, the clintons, bono, madonna, and winehouse look excellent!
(and strange as it is, madonna's spandex 'crotch bulge' actually looks as if it belongs there...)
if i may.., tony Blair.., his smile is not forced enough.., he usually looks like he is in pain when he smiles rather than be happy.
ears look too big.., i know his face does not offer the same opportunities for charactature as Sly (great one).., but this does not look like Blair. his eyes are beady and maybe you might use that, your are hidden by glasses.., is this what you wanted or are you not wanting to take on a VERY difficult job here to the extreme, those bags under his eyes.., the losing and greying of his hair.., maybe they should be exploited more.., ??in reality his ears are big.., but somehow this one, too big is not working or me.
he has the face of someone who does not believe hs own convictions.., your character looks far too confident.., like he got through the lies unscathed and won the lottery at the same time.., Blair still looks like he regrets his 'efforts' in .., you know where.
his face has a more.., triangle look than this oval shape you have here.
i undertand the premise.., the panama suite.., but its too far IMHO.., from where Blair is really at.., he should be sunken.., like his eyes.., still sprouting his convictions with ccompletely no sense of.., 'i believe what i am saying'..,
I appreciate the comments, but without sounding too harsh - they are in fact wasted on me here. The main reason is the show has already aired...
Also I wasnt actually in control of the overall design process for these characters except from a modeling and technical process. there were times when I did have a say with the VFX Director as I felt he wasnt happy with some aspects of the designs too.
Have a look at my comment with regards to Katie Holmes/Cruise hairdo, you'll understand why it is like it is. Again not completely my design. I spent a few days working on her as she was a rebuild - someone else built one in jeans and a tshirt originally, so this was redone from the ground up.
Madonnas crotch, LOL yeah theres a reason for it and I'll post it later
Just like to make you aware too, and believe me this was a shock when I did these, was the fact that the Character designer doesnt do 3d, or have an understanding of the technical terms, that us dudes need to do in order to create these things, but he understood form as he also had a sculpting background.
I like to think when you go in on this type of thing certain aspects need to be understood in order to create a decent product, this goes from design to the final rendered shot. I see alot of concept artist jobs that require an understanding and experience of 3d so...
i hear that.., you might know.., i actually studied post sound at uni.., one director wanted an 'organic' music track.., took me three weeks to understand that meant to him.., 'acoustic guitar'.., helps if theres a common language.., seems the whole dam business lacks understanding and communication.
i already knew they had gone to air.., and wondered if you felt it representative enough of Blair.., it was just a comment., showing off my incredible sharp eye (?????????) and trying to sound intelligent.., sorry i failed miserably should stick to sounding.., 'normal'..,
Madonna and Mrs. Rice is great haha. Really good job,
and they are all very recognizable.
The style looks abit like the show "Super" you know, the janitor voiced by eddy murphy. All the figures were made of clay. Actually i think it was stopmotion
anyways. Really good job,
(='.'=) This is bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination
No mate they arent, unfortunately not. Those were done originally in clay then scanned, Ive actually seen and held the Helen Mirrem sculpt its quite impressive.
Also the Gordon Brown character was scanned from clay too but I reckoned it was better than the one I rebuilt...the likeness was far better..
On the upside, in the next 3d creative mag from 3d total theres a Headcases article...I'll be interested in what was said there....any bulls*** and I'll be on them LOL
As I said in the post when u announced your work on the show, gr8 work and I was glad u managed to overcome the issues you had with the Manchester Team. I know it really p****d you off, if they were that bad maybe that gives me hope.
As I said it was a gr8 show, but somewhat too political to find that funny (for me). I read into it and found even Rory Bremner has his work cut out and didnt even have time to perferct some of the voices. He was able to do some, but new ones were tough and dealines killed his chances to getting them right.
Again, its a gr8 thing to have on your CV, so to give you a helping hand:
Oh hows the 3D Comic coming, ive not been there for a while. And with Headcases, i suppose its a backburner.
Chris (formerly R@nSiD) Twitter When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will truely know peace - Jimmy Hendrix Winner SM VFX Challenge 1 3rd Place SM SteamPunk Challenge (May 2007)
Yeah myself and my wife didnt find very much of it funny either, it is very political probably too much.
I think the best way to go is just do your damndest with this type of work, as we all know its not easy and can be very frustrating. The competition is fierce!
I did find out that in order to get the show moving a couple of the team were sent to a couple of colleges to get some of the younger guys on the show which is always good for their cv's. But having rebuilt a few of their models the inexperience showed, and basically you get what you pay for in some instances.
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